Love Asylum, Like an Island Just Me and You (and him too)

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"Give me something to fucking work with," Bakugo grunted, flipping onto one of the levels in the training area to avoid Shinsou's scarf. "The least you could fucking do is not use Aizawa's washed up ass moves on me."

"Those washed up moves have been tiring you out for the thirty minutes," Shinsou chuckled.

Neither of them were using their quirks. Bakugo wanted hand to hand combat and nothing more. No quirks, no tricks, just a fair fight. But he wasn't a complete asshole about it. He knew Shinsou's strengths and close combat without that damned scarf wasn't it. He had spent the night before on Mina's couch and he wanted to forget how much he actually told her about his feelings for Midoriya and Kirishima alike. But in truth, she had given him some decent advice – "Punch that shit out, grow some damn balls and tell Kiri the truth." She was right, and he knew she was, but he'd never tell her that. Instead, he texted the damn insomniac who agreed to situation they were currently in.

"You ever going to tell me why we're here at five in the morning?" Shinsou asked, using the scarf to maneuver his way up to where Bakugo was perched.

"You were awake weren't you?" Bakugo jumped backwards, giving him space to land.

"That's not the point," Shinsou grunted, running towards him. "Is this about Kirishima or Midoriya?"

Bakugo paused for a moment, but it was a moment too long and suddenly he was falling backwards, Shinsou on top of him. They landed with a thud and Bakugo could feel the pain echo through his bones. Even with the mats, it hurt like a bitch.

"Fucking hell," Bakugo exclaimed, rolling over. But Shinsou wasn't done.

"You called me for a training session," he was up, hands ready. "Get your head in the fucking game and train."

Bakugo smirked.

"I thought you didn't plan on making friends with any of us eye bags?"

"Yeah well, we all know who changed that," a slight smile crept up the corner of Shinsou's face before he swung the scarf out, wrapping around Bakugo's ankle. He pulled him down to the floor and dragged him towards him.

"Starting to fucking regret letting you use that damn thing," Bakugo grunted before rolling just enough to loosen the scarf and free himself. He charged at Shinsou who dodged, but Bakugo saw that coming too. They were both in the air, Bakugo holding onto the end of the scarf Shinsou shot up, landing a punch to the gut, causing Shinsou to miss the mark he was aiming for. Once again, they fell, but Bakugo was ready for it, rolling with the fall, then turning quickly, grabbing his arms and pinning him. Their faces were close to each other and Bakugo felt a smirk creek up his face.

"I have a boyfriend you know," Shinsou said. "A loud, shiny, sparky ass boyfriend that won't hesitate to zap your ass if he finds out you tried to kiss me."

"He can't beat me," Bakugo countered.

"Low blow," Shinsou mumbled.

"Had to win somehow," Bakugo chuckled, easing back into a seated position to allow Shinsou room to recover.

"With the boyfriend comment or the punch to my gut?" Shinsou asked.

"Both," Bakugo smiled.

"You know, you have grown," Shinsou gasped, trying to catch the breath Bakugo knocked out of him.

"Don't you fucking therapize me," Bakugo grumbled.

"No," Shinsou said. "I'm just thinking about how the Bakugo I met my first year in the hero course would have continued to beat the shit out of me."

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