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Kirishima flopped on the upstairs common area couch with a sigh. He wasn't sure what was going on or why Bakugo had lied to him, but he knew it hurt. He knew Bakugo had started to tell him the truth, no matter how nervous it made him, or how much it made his reflexes want to blast Kirishima across the room, so it must have been important, or serious, or maybe he had found someone else. No, that was drastic and Kirishima thought to himself, he was just letting his mind get the best of him. He stared at the ceiling for a moment before pulling the pillow over his face and yelling into it.

"Who shoved a broomstick up your ass?" Kaminari peeked over the couch, a bag of Tokoyami's Hi-Chew in his hand. Kirishima rolled his eyes knowing Kaminari was about to eat all the good ones and leave the nasty flavors on the counter. The rest of the class was about to be in for a world of hell when Tokoyami found it in the morning.

"It's nothing," the red head mumbled.

"I don't think it's nothing," Kaminari tossed himself over, landing on Kirishima's stomach. He groaned, trying to push the Hi-Chew thief off him, but he only settled in further.

"You can tell me what's going on, or I can sit here until you do," Kaminari insisted.

"Ooooo more Bakugo drama?" Mina popped in, causing Kirishima to cover his face once more and yell into the pillow again. "Babe we just had a conversation, what could have happened since you left?"

"I don't want to talk about it," Kirishima groaned.

"That's a sign that you need to," Mina answered, scooching his legs over. "Get up Kaminari, you can't suffocate him more than he's already doing to himself."

"Okay but I needed to convince him," Kaminari mumbled through chews.

"Well, while you decide if you want to tell us or not," Mina sat up, a smirk on her face, "I have some information about something I saw tonight that's quite possibly the strangest thing I've seen since we've been at UA."

"Stranger than Tokoyami keeping a fucking egg in his room?"

"Stranger than that," Mina said.

"Oh, now you have no choice but to spill," Kaminari hopped off Kirishima's stomach and placed himself on the floor, grabbing the pillow on Kirishima's face to lean on.

"Rude," Kirishima mumbled.

"You'll get over it," Kaminari answered back.

Mina scrolled through her phone for a moment, the two boys staring at her, waiting for her to tell them what she saw. She held her phone out, a photo of Nezu scurrying across campus in sweatpants, slippers and a t-shirt on her screen.

"That feels illegal," Kaminari mused.

"I feel like he can sense that we've seen this and is plotting to kill us in our sleep," Kirishima said.

"Nezu in sweats," Kaminari said. "Never thought I'd ever see the day."

"I'm more disappointed that neither of you are wondering what the hell Nezu is doing at UA in sweats and sandals at 11pm at night," Mina muttered.

"I mean, I am but... at the same time I'm not," Kirishima answered. "We all know Nezu is weird, he's probably here doing some late night work he forgot or setting up some evil course to put us through."

"Yeah, but every time we've seen him at night he's in a suit," Mina said. "This means someone caught him off guard, so someone's either in trouble, or something's going down."

Kaminari popped up, electricity crackling off him the way it always did when he got excited.

"We should get Jirou and find out what's going on," he decided. "Some late night sleuthing."

How Can I Make it Okay? - A BakuDeku StoryWhere stories live. Discover now