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"Shinsou, what's your status?"

But he ignored the voice in the comms. He was at a drop sight with a guy who called himself Dissolve, an old friend of Touya's. Within the hour, he'd be taken to another site where they'd be picking up supplies to take to a site that rumor had it Shigaraki was using to create more Nomu after the last site was demolished. Shinsou was the truck driver. He'd been given regular clothes for the missing, no hero costume, no villain costume. Just a black costume and a different version of the mask that he had donned in training. This one looked rusted and old on the outside, as if it had been in use for months, as if he was working these jobs to upgrade his mask and do some damage. At least, that's the story Mirko had come up with. Touya had embellished it a bit more. A hero in training that never wanted to be a hero, that's what he said to the first guy he had introduced Shinsou to. A hero in training that hated everything about hero society because he was constantly told his quirk wasn't heroic. And that was enough. As if that was the secret code to get Shinsou in the door. It worried him, that that was what hurt so many people, that so many people had turned to villainy because they were simply told their quirk wasn't heroic. And they accepted him without question because they understood. So Shinsou did what was asked of him. Make some kid hand over owed money for Trigger? Done. Make a thug punch himself in the face for missing a payment? Done. Shinsou assimilated without question, not because he thought it was right, but because he knew that what they had planned, them getting rid of the hero commission, would be a small step towards helping these people who thought this was the only way.

"What's the ETA?" Dissolve looked over at Shinsou, his legs propped up on the dashboard. Shinsou thought his quirk was interesting, but terrifying. It was a water-based quirk, anything he touched turned into water molecules that he could manipulate and ultimately, dissolve into thin air. It reminded him of Shigaraki's quirk almost, neither of which Shinsou wanted to be on the receiving end of.

"11pm." Shinsou answered, looking out into the night of the alleyway they sat in, wishing he was at home, asleep. He hadn't had more than three hours sleep in two days and it was starting to get to him. He kept reminding himself that he had just had to make it through one more day.

"It's 11:15," Dissolve grunted. "They're late."

"Not my first late drop," Shinsou sighed. "None of us actually care about the others time."

"Not this guy," Dissolve leaned forward, looking out the side mirror. "He's never late. Ridiculously on time and anal about it. Fuck, something must be up."

"Shinsou you fucking jackass." The comms crackled again. Mirko had 0 patience despite them consistently reminding her that sometimes he just wouldn't be able to answer.

"Dead in the water," he mumbled, hoping they'd leave him alone. A code that basically meant, chill out at let me work. He'd come up with it and felt particularly pleased every time he mumbled it back.

"What?" Dissolve looked over at him.

"Nothing, just a dumb saying of mine when shit isn't working as planned," Shinsou shrugged.

Dissolve rolled his eyes.

"You're fucking weird kid."

"And lacking sleep desperately," Shinsou grumbled.

They sat there a while longer, waiting and waiting until 11:45 hit and Dissolve decided they would drive to the next drop site alone with what they had collected earlier.

"Won't boss, whoever they are, be mad at us?"

"For fucking what? Dumbass didn't show, that's not on us. He's as good as dead now. But if we don't show then we're dead in the water or whatever the fuck your dumb ass saying means."

How Can I Make it Okay? - A BakuDeku StoryWhere stories live. Discover now