Fire Drill

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Bakugo stumbled forward, reaching out to catch Midoriya, but the damn nerd held his hand up – stop. Bakugo didn't know what to do as he watched Midoriya cough. The blood splattered on the floor of the building, leaving trails down his mouth. He watched as Midoriya swiped the back of his hand across his mouth, and he watched as the nerd lowered himself to the floor. Bakugo did the same. They sat across from each other, the way they used to after sparring sessions but nothing about this felt the same. Nothing sensible could come to mind. Bakugo didn't know what to say, his mind was blank, in shock from what he was seeing. So when he finally opened his mouth, he found himself wondering what would make him say something as ridiculous as:

"I heard Todoroki laugh for the first time since I met the Bastard today," Bakugo said.

Midoriya looked up, eyebrow raised and for a moment, a split second, Bakugo felt his breath hitch as he saw a faint glimmer of light, deep in the back of Midoriya's eyes.

"You've gone soft then," Midoriya replied. "Todoroki only laughs when he's comfortable with you."

"Soft my ass," Bakugo retorted. "Bastard still can't beat me."

Breath left Midoriya's nose with a huff, a weak attempt at a laugh.

"What have I missed?" Midoriya whispered against the night air.

"Too much," Bakugo answered quicker than he wanted too. He reached for his bag then, pulling out a bottle of water and a container that he warmed before he left with Katsudon and shoved it towards Midoriya. "You never took care of yourself before, and it's clear you still aren't"

Midoriya stared at the offering before pulling it towards him, crossing his legs and putting it in his lap. He finished the water a little too quickly, but Bakugo was prepared, rolling another bottle towards him.

"You didn't have to," Midoriya said as he pulled the cover off the Katsudon, a slight whimper escaping his lips.

"How long has it been?"

"Since I've eaten, or since I've eaten Katsudon?"

"For fucks sake Deku," Kacchan exasperated. "Both, now that you've snitched on yourself."

There was no answer for a moment as Midoriya inhaled the food in front of him. It was clear it had been a long time since he'd had a full meal, or maybe, any meal. Bakugo found himself inching closer, pausing whenever Midoriya seemed lost in the plate of food. He just wanted to be able to touch him. To know that this was real, that it wasn't a dream. By the time Midoriya looked up, Bakugo's soles were almost touching his. Midoriya stared down at their feet, side by side, before he closed the container with a sigh. It wasn't lost on Bakugo that he didn't move or pull back.

"Almost two weeks since I've eaten more than a bag of chips," Midoriya answered. "Almost two years since I've even smelled Katsudon."

Bakugo slammed his fist down then.

"Why didn't you ask for help? Why didn't you text me, ask me to leave food somewhere for you, clothes, anything? Even if you weren't coming home, knowing you were alive, eating, functioning, it would have been better than thinking you were dead dammit!"

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