Dark Side

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Kirishima sat on Aizawa's couch, his arms wrapped around his knees that were pulled tight against his chest. Next to him sat Aizawa, and Present Mic who placed himself on the floor in front of him. He imagined they predicted Bakugo would blow up on him, that he would lose his cool. He wouldn't blame him if he did, what Kirishima did was unforgivable. God he couldn't believe he had fucked up so terribly. He peeked through his hair at Bakugo who sat at the dining room table watching him closely and Mina, who was perched behind him on the kitchen counter. It wasn't lost on Kirishima that Mr. Aizawa and Present Mic both side eyed Mina when she propped herself up there instead of using a chair, and in the midst of all the tension, the domesticity of it all almost made him laugh. But that would be bad. So, he kept his mouth shut and hoped to some extent that he was all cried out. Because there was no way he was going to be able to look Katsuki in the eye after telling him the truth without breaking down.

"So......," Mina broke the silence. "This is a ... nice place."

"Would be nicer if you used a chair," Aizawa mumbled under his breath. Kirishima wasn't sure if Mina heard it and chose to ignore, but a smirk crept up her face.

Bakugo was silent and Kirishima was painfully aware of that. He wasn't sure if he was giving him the space to speak, or if something in the back of his mind knew. But Kirishima knew that once he started, there was no going back.

He sighed.

"I...guess... I-I-I didn't, it wasn't my intent... I wasn't..." Kirishima tried.

"Breathe," Aizawa whispered next to him. And he did.

"You should know, before I start... I didn't want to hurt you Kats...Bakugo. It wasn't my intention. I just... something in me... slipped out and took over. Like... like when you'd get angry during your first year, and you'd snap at me and you didn't mean to, and I knew you didn't, but it still hurt. I... just... please keep that in mind, okay?"

"What ... what are you talking about Ei?" A worried look crossed Bakugo's face and he felt himself start to shake when Present Mic turned and took his hand.

"We've got you," Mic said. "But you have to do this... you have to hurt a little before you can start to feel better."

Kirishima nodded. He had to start from the beginning.


Kirishima had lost Toga-Mina. He didn't mean to but Iida had run down the stairs all loud and annoying, upset that someone had either used his towel, or let it drop in water. Either way, it was soaking wet, and he couldn't take a shower because of it, and the entirety of 3A was about to get a lecture on taking care of other's property at the absolute worst time possible.

"It's as if we have to have this conversation every week and I'm really tired of ..."

"Can you shush for one minute?" Kirishima snapped.

"Kirishima that is no way for you to talk to your class re..," Iida started, but Kirishima walked towards him and grabbed him by the shirt.

"Toga's in the fucking building and I had eyes on her and your yelling caused me to lose track so can you please be quiet," he grumbled in a hushed tone.

"You should have started with that then," Iida said. "Have you notified the class?"

Kirishima was about to answer when his phone and Iida's phone dinged at the same time. They pulled it out to a text from Todoroki.

Toga's in my room pretending to be Mina in case anyone cared.

"I guess we found her," Iida answered.

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