chapter 1 ~ Pilot

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*Aria's pov*

This is going to be my 3rd year at Hogworts shool of witch craft and wizardary.

I'm a halfblood witch, my mum was a witch too but she died when I was 4. I don't remember much about her, and I don't really want to think about it. When I was 10 my dad told me that I'm a witch like my mum was. He took me to my antie on my mum's side because she is a witch too, and she told me everything I needed to know about the wizarding world.

I live with my dad who is a muggle in a small town in the west of England. I got my letter from Hogworts excepting me, when I was 11. My antie took me to diagon alley to get my school things and it was of the best experience's I've ever had.

"Aria, get up" my dad shouted at me from down stears dragging me from my thoughts. I dug my face into my pillow. I am not a morning person. Then I remembered it was the day I go back to Hogworts, so I rolled out of bed and got ready.

As we pulled up to King cross station in my dads classic car (he likes cars and buys and sells them). My dad gave me the speech about being safe and doing well in school.

I said good bye to him at the car and walked into king cross station. I walked strate though to platform 9 3/4.

I looked around at all the perants saying good bye to there children. In the corner of my eye there was the Weasley family. Mrs Weasley was trying to make the twins, Fred and George, to behave. Me and the Weasley's are quite close. There a crazy bunch I like them.

I looked strate in front of me to see the long golden blond hair on back of my best friend Leah's head. I took this opotuneoty to jump up on her. I do this a lot for some reason.

I walk quietly up to her and "BOO" i said in to her ear but not to laud that many people could hear, as a put my hands in her shoulders.

She jumped pretty far, and gave a little bit of scream/squeal. This made the squad (our group of friends) went into a fit of laughter. Leah just shock her head at me and then at the circle of us, as we were all in tears of laughter (like always).
"Good one Aria" Sam laughed as he gave me a dubble high five.

We went and sat in an empty compartment on the Hogworts express.

There was 7 of us there was me, Leah who has long blond hair, Sam who was the tallist out of us and had scruffy black hair and Ellie who had gorgeous shortish black hair they were twins, Joe who had light brown hair and always has a hat on, Molly had short dark brown hair and Ross who had dirty blond. They are best friends.

We talked about our holidays, sport, Hogworts and just laughing the hole jurney.

*Draco's pov*

"Morning Draco" my father said slowly as I sit down at the large table for breakfast.

I looked at him. He was reading the daily profit. "Morning father"

"You're going back to Hogworts today. Me and your mother will take you to the platform in an hour" he said in a deep voice.

"Ok father"

"Now" he starts as he puts the newspaper down "rember what I said about Potter and his friends". I nod.

He told me what to call him or say to him when he annoys me which is all the time, so I guess it's just what say to him when I get the chance.

See I am a pureblood Slytherin and a Malfoy and I have to show everyone that we are the best of the best.

As I am standing on the platform saying good bye to my parents. I hear a high pitch sqeal. I turn my head to see where the sound was coming from to see a girl with long blond hair shaking her head at a group of friends laughing. The tall boy gave a high five to a girl with light wavey brown hair, she was wearing a over sized t-shert with black ripped jeans. She didn't look to bad. Wait what am I thinking? she is loser hufflepuff, because I had to sit next to her that one time in charms. She was very quiet.

"Filth" my farther muttered uder his breath. "They are filthy hufflepuffs". I nod in agreement and walked on to the train to find my friends.

I sat by my best frind Blase facing Crabbe and Goyle (they follow me around, but I don't mind).

"Hello mate" Blaise greeted me. We started talking about what school will be like this year, and how we will win the house cup this year (again).

(Sorry this chapter was a bit short the rest might be longer.

By the way this is my first story so sorry if it is not that good it will probably get better.

I will update as soon as I can
Thank you for reading )

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