Chapter 26

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The wind was heavy outside of the mansion, and Rose was walking towards the gates, behind her were Mauricio and two guards.

Ivan had left her realizing - unknowingly, anyway - that she needed to be a lot more careful about her pregnancy. Check ups and prenatal care were important, especially in the early months. So she told Mauricio she wanted to visit a pharmacy, after he'd asked her to take a walk with him.

Rocco had said nothing in response when they opened the doors to leave, thirty minutes after she finally felt okay. Possibly because he knew just how much she needed the fresh air, and he was no animal to deprive her of that. But he entrusted his son to bring her back, even if he didn't, he trusted the two bodyguards that were following them.

"Crazy weather," Mauricio said, almost to himself, as soon as they stepped out of the secured compound.

The weather did seem tricky. It had threatened to rain earlier, but it was now a clear night sky with crescent moon.

Rose was already straight ahead, ignoring his comment about the weather because that had nothing to do with her. "What way are we headed?" She stopped walking and glanced at the T-junction.

"Left," he answered and quickened his steps to join her.

The bodyguards were trailing behind and also calculating their every move like their boss had instructed. None of either Rose or Mauricio was concerned about the unwanted backers. Most especially Rose had her eyes on the rows of mansions sound asleep in the estate. She looked forward and saw the inner city.

As if Mauricio read her thoughts, he fell into her line and said, "beautiful, isn't it?" Then he held her head and turned it to an acute right angle. "A lot has changed since your last visit-"

"Oh dear," she breathed out relief, seeing that the estate now grew roses at its rare end, near the pack that was sitting quietly at that hour.

"Still fascinated by those, aren't you?"

"Never gets old."

Mauricio took his hands off her head and wrapped them around her, chining her shoulder. "Know what never gets old? Your eyes under the moonlight."

She tried to stop herself from smiling but just couldn't. "I think we should get going," she suggested after a while.

They spent a few moments talking about some intimates things like they didn't have have guests behind them. It'd have been very crazy if Rose expected Mauricio to tell her the truth about his sexual shenanigans. Feeling slightly jealous, she tried to push away the thought of him with another woman, because it felt painful to imagine him doing to other women the things he used to do to her. He'd said he hadn't been into any other woman the way he had been with her, and she was a bit forlorn to have seen the sincerity in Mauricio's eyes.

"Good morning," Rose said as soon as she pushed the glass door open and met the pharmacy receptionist. Weirdly, no one greeted 'good morning' at 1am.

The lady acknowledged Rose with a single nod. "How may I help you, good morning."

"Wanna check my sugar level, blood pressure, and I also want to get antibiotics, folic acid, multivitamins-"

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