Chapter 4

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"Only whores bring disgrace to their families."

As she rode to Riley's apartment, Rose couldn't shake the echo of those words in her mind. She didn't know what to say to her family to explain why she had brought this disgrace upon herself.

The car was hers, but she never drove it. Pedro did. Her driver.

"You seem lost in thought." His voice tore through the tensed air.

"Just contemplating some things," Rose replied vaguely.

"Do you need to talk about it?"

Rose shook her head. "No, it's fine. Thank you."

Unsure of what to say to Riley or if it was the right time, she stared out the window from the backseat of her SUV, a vehicle she owned but never drove.

"Always get Pedro to take you around, I heard Americans are reckless drivers," Enzo had added, patting Rose's shoulder gently.

The memory of Enzo's words amplified the cautionary instructions given by Giovani.

The initial instructions were clear from Giovani: "Pedro is going with you. If you need to leave the school, call him. We'd get him an apartment close by so he's within reach."

Rose smiled, reminiscing about the moment Giovani had put on a serious face while instructing her for safety reasons just hours before she left Italy, as if America were the most dangerous place on earth.

That evening, Riley had engaged in lengthy discussions with all of her siblings gathered in the study room. Her mother had been conspicuously absent, for reasons Rose understood well. Three years had passed, but she could still vividly hear Giovani's voice echoing in her mind, his words still as clear as ever. Despite her amusement, she knew Pedro had been her steadfast ally, much to her brothers' chagrin. They had hoped he would serve as an informant, but he remained loyal to her.

As Rose and Pedro arrived at the intersection of four roads, providing a convenient u-turn and a shorter route to Riley's house, she couldn't help but notice the apartment building in the intermediate neighborhood. It was clear that the area was becoming increasingly popular, with properties like Riley's likely to be sold out within months.

After parking the car, Pedro waited outside as Rose grabbed her bag and cup of soda, making her way into the house. To her surprise, she noticed some of Riley's belongings outside the door. His golf clubs, guitar, and sports shoes were among the items strewn around the patio.

As Rose ventured further into the house, carefully dodging the scattered items, she called out for Riley, pushing the door open with a sense of urgency.

Was he moving out? The thought crossed her mind, but she quickly dismissed it. If he were, he would have surely informed her earlier in the day, even though she was aware that his time in the neighborhood was limited.

Upon stepping inside, she was greeted by a warm voice. "Hello, there."

Rose turned to see an older woman holding one of Riley's laptops. It wasn't just anyone—it was Riley's mother. She felt a wave of weariness wash over her as she realized the circumstances under which they were meeting for the first time.

She wanted to greet Riley's mother back, but her words seemed stuck in her throat, unable to find their way out.

"Rose?" Riley's voice cut through the awkward silence, his face lighting up with surprise as he emerged from the kitchen. "I didn't know you were coming?" He set down the box he was holding on the dining table before joining his mother, who radiated a welcoming smile.

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