"And if he doesn't agree then we'll make him agree." I add and his frown quickly morphs into a smirk.

We step inside the restroom, Riot locks the door and I lean against the wall with my hands in my pockets as Clint exits the stall.

His eyes widen at the sight of us. "She doesn't know, I never told her anything. I swear!" He squeaks like a frightened mouse.

"And it's going to stay that way, right Clint?" I ask with a tilt of my head.

"Ye-yes sir." He stutters, fear shining bright in his eyes.

How a woman that looks like Nolani ever agreed to marry someone as weak as Clint Donovan is beyond me. If he hadn't just relieved his bladder I'd guarantee he'd piss himself.

I flash him a fake smile. "Good, now keep your eyes to yourself, don't even attempt to contact her and we won't have any problems."

"Of c-course. I haven't spoken to her since we broke up, this is the first time I've even seen her." He stammers.

"Make sure it stays that way. Capisci?"

(Capisci: do you understand)

He nods quickly in agreement.

Riot flicks the lock and opens the door, stepping to the side so Clint can flee from the room. He reminds me
of a cockroach sprinting for a hiding spot when you turn the light on.

"He didn't fight back at all, I'm disappointed." Riot sighs.

Just as I assumed he would, he's not a fighter and he knows exactly who we are and what we could do to him.

"You expected him to?"

He shrugs. "Not really but I was still hopeful."

"I want eyes on Clint and his boyfriend, make sure he sticks to his word." I demand quietly as we exit the restroom.

Riot pulls his phone out and starts typing.

"You know you could've pinned her with Leo." He says, never glancing from the devices screen.

My jaw clenches in annoyance. "I'm not putting Raf's kids in someone else's hands, it's already aggravating enough that they're in hers."

If I put her in Leo's protection and something happened to the twins I'd never forgive myself. If the roles were reversed and Raf was in my shoes I know he would do the same. He would do everything he could to protect any of our kids, it's the sole reason I'm doing things the way I am. It's harder on us because we don't really know Nolani though. I don't trust her and in result my anger gets the best of me when I need her to cooperate and she tries to resist.

It would've been much easier if Rafael knocked someone up that was part of our world, they would know the score and what was at stake. Yes, I could easily tell Nolani but she still wouldn't fully grasp it. Until you've been a part of the life for years you have only an inkling of how things work.

Riot looks up at me and smirks. "You don't seem so upset about it with your arm around her and your fingers digging into her hip."

I narrow my eyes at him. "The arm around her is for appearance purposes and me digging my fingers in her hip was a warning and she knew it. Her temper was starting to flare and I didn't want to deal with an outburst. Don't worry about how I handle the situation."

"How am I not supposed to worry when she's in control of our brothers babies? She should live with me, I would keep her in line."

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