At the Bar

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A girl with blondie hair was looking at her friends who was dancing with their girlfriends. She sighed. She just continue drink her wine slowly. She's not really interested in alcohol but when she's has a problem she will be really drunk.

"Hey Yena!" Yena, the blondie hair look in front of her. Her friend, Kim Chaewon smiled at her. Yena sighed. "Yah Chaewon! Why did you ask me to come here if you and Yujin is have some fun with your girlfriends?!" ask Yena annoyedly.

Chaewon laughed. Then, Yujin come to them. "Yah Yena! Have some fun with other girls! I know you're broken right now!" said Chaewon. Yena silent. Yes, the reason she's here because she's broken.

Yujin looked at Yena. "Unnie.. forget her! She's nothing for you! If she really loves you she would never cheating on you!" said Yujin tried to make Yena realized. "Yujin is right." all of them turn around. Minju, Chaewon's girlfriend with Wonyoung come to them. Wonyoung is Yujin's girlfriend.

"Well, you deserved better, Yena.. you're same like our friend, right Wony?" Wonyoung nodded. Chaewon turn. "Your friend? Who is it? I don't know you have another friend.." said Chaewon confused. Minju smiles.

"Yes! She's our bestfriend! Well it's her boyfriend, Jihoon.. who was caught by herself cheated with another woman! You know what? She really loves Jihoon.. she doing anything for him but that bastard would never appereciate her! She gives everything.. especially money.. I don't know that bastard just want her money."

Minju sighed. Wonyoung just nodded. "My unnie is really broken. She's never come out from her room in about a week! And tonight, we success persuade her to come here! To release her stress!" Wonyoung continue to speak.

Yena rolled her eyes. "I don't wanna know about her!" said Yena. Minju rolled her eyes and sighed. "Talking about her, where is she?" asked Yujin. Minju and Wonyoung looked around them.

"She said she want to go to the restroom. I guess she's not come back yet." answer Wonyoung. They nodded except Yena. She just continue drink her wine roughly. She don't want to think about her. She want to moved on.

"Hey drink slowly, unnie!" said Yujin. Yena shook her head. "No! Just let me be!" answer Yena madly. Yujin sighed. They just looking at Yena. Yena suddenly stood up. "Wait where did you wanna go?" ask Chaewon.

Yena sighed. "I want to go to the restroom. Just enjoy!" she answer then walked to the restroom alone. Chaewon shook her head. "Tonight is not the real Yena I guess." she said. Minju nodded.

YENA walked carefully. She's literally drunk but she still in her sense. The coridor was dark. There's not people at there. Yena was about to pushed the door when suddenly she heard someone was shouted, asking for a help.

"Help me! Help!" a girl shouted. Yena stopped. She look around her. "Who was shouting asking for a help? This is a bar not a street.." yena shook her head and continue to walked inside but stopped once again when she heard the voice again.

"Jihoon please stop! Someone help me! Jihoon please no!!" the girl cried. Yena suddenly felt something wrong in her heart. She quickly run to the voice. She run at the coridor and searched the husky voice.

Yena found a man tried to raped a girl. Meanwhile the girl crying. "Hey bastard! What are you doing?!" Yena yelled. The man shocked and turn around. She let go of the girl and pushed Yena. "Who are you?! Don't bothered us! Get out of here!"

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