29: Just like the Old Days

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Professor McGonagall clapped her hands sharply, causing everyone to grimace as the sound echoed through the room.

"Attention!" She called. The class turned towards her.

"As you all know, your midterm exams will be coming up in one very short week. You will all report to the Great Hall where you will take your exam. I have just been informed that triple transfiguration will be part of the exam-"

A few students groaned upon hearing this.

"Silence!" she exclaimed. "We have been practicing triple transfiguration for months now. You should all very well be excelled at it by now. Zelle is the only student who has been able to master it, and she has only been in this class for a month and some! I expect a lot from this group," she said.

"Yes, Professor," the class replied unanimously.

A very competitive Slytherin named Rachel shot me a glare as she walked past me out the door.

"So excelled she couldn't even stay in potions, huh," she scoffed.

I rolled my eyes and ignored her. She couldn't help it, I guess. She was just a Slytherin, they all seemed to be like that.

I walked to dinner, excited to meet up with Luna and Lacey, and hoping Jack and Riss would be there too. I sure enjoyed the days we all spent together, our little friend group.

Transfiguration was right before dinner and my stomach started to growl at the heavenly smell coming from the Great Hall.

Walking past the professors' table, I didn't give it a glance. I used to have to remind myself not to, until I finally trained myself. I was free now, and I didn't need to look out for him.

To my pleasant surprise, everyone was already at the table. They scooted over, making space for me as I joined in on their laughter and jokes.

"Dumbledore said he has a huge announcement to make," Lacey whispered. "I think it's about the Christmas ball."

A ball! I smiled once I saw Riss and Jack get excited about the prospect of dancing the night away.

"Zelle!" She turned to me. "Dress shopping?"

"I already have a dress, Riss, remember?"

"Are you talking about the one you wore for the Halloween Ball? Because absolutely not. You need a new one!"

Leaving Hogwarts wasn't safe for me, this I knew. Even a trip to Hogsmeade could cost me my life.

"I found a dress in a catalog and ordered it by owl," I lied, even though that was probably what I was going to do.

"Oh, okay," Riss looked bummed.

"I'll come with!" Jack said, excited. "I need new dress robes."

This made everyone laugh, as none of us could imagine Jack going shopping willingly. But for Riss, he would do anything... and it was the sweetest thing in the world to see.

"Students!" Dumbledore's voice boomed throughout the hall. "I have an announcement to make."

Lacey nodded her head at us knowingly, making Luna giggle.

"The Christmas Ball will take place December twentieth, in ten days time. Once again, students of all ages and professors are welcome to attend. Now feast!"

Would he be there? The thought rippled through my head, and I pushed it out almost instantly, choosing to eat with my friends and enjoy my last semester with them.

-----Later that night

I tossed and turned in my bed, replaying the set of spells I had to have memorized for the exam. There was one I was missing, and it was driving me crazy.

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