2: Trains and Tough Questions

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Draco raised his left eyebrow, as he always did. Analyzing me, observing. I watched his icy glance skim my body, lingering on my legs before moving up to my eyes. I hoped he wouldn't say anything. I hoped he stayed far, far from me. However, when did Draco avoid creating an awkward situation?

Never, was the answer to that.

He sauntered over to me, biting his lip. His clothes fit him loosely, yet I could see that he had grown more fit. Not like I cared. Not after what he did to me.

"Hey, Zelle," he called. "You've really, grown, up haven't you?" He smirked, running a hand through his disgustingly silky hair.

"Do you and Narcissa bleach your hair together?" I retorted.

Before Malfoy could jab back at me, the air was knocked out of my lungs and I almost fell to the ground as my best friend in the whole world attacked me with a hug. At 6 foot tall and a quidditch build, Clarissa Black nearly knocked my 5'6 figure to the ground. Her raven black hair had grown past her waist, and her skin noticeably more tan than last year. She looked beautiful.

Unfortunately, Draco seemed to have a comment on the matter. "Clarissa..." He whistled.

Clarissa was quick to draw her wand at him. "Ferret or cat ears? You have five seconds to choose."

Draco backed away, and ran towards Crabbe and Goyle as if he had a very important matter to discuss with them, his cheeks flaming red.

"Riss!" I exclaimed, laughing my ass off.

"He'll never bother you again, Z," she said.

Shaking my head, I led her onto the train and found an empty compartment for the two of us. We sat across from each other on the red velvet chairs. I stared at her intently, waiting for some summer gossip. Her parents were friends with plenty witches and wizards, and she always had some news to give. However, today was different. She leaned in toward me, although we were the only two in the compartment.

"How are things?" She asked.

"Good...?" I replied, unsure where this was going.

"If you ever want to talk about it..." She trailed off.

I stared straight forward. My left forearm prickled, as if it was laughing at me. I instinctively jerked my hand to cover it.

"There's nothing to talk about, Riss. It's in the past."

She shrugged, knowing I would come to terms.


The train jolted to a stop, and Clarissa and I pulled our robes on. We made our way off the train and into the castle which was glowing with candles and lit for the grand feast. The last one which I was going to attend. Me, a seventh year.


Clarissa and I took our seats with the Ravenclaw house, house of my adoptive mother and some of the smartest people I've ever known.

A hush fell over the grand room as Dumbledore rose from his seat and raised his arms above the oak pedestal. "Welcome, students, staff, and magical folk alike. We gather here to celebrate another year, and to wish luck upon all seventh year students in their endeavors while welcoming the first years as well. Now, without further ado, let the sorting begin!"

I glanced over at Draco, who wore a smirk on his obnoxious face. Draco was in his sixth year, unbothered and unworried for his future. I can't believe I let a sixth year... my thoughts trailed off.

A murmur of voices started up once more as Dumbledore gestured towards the sorting hat. McGonagall led the students into a cheer as I watched the nervous first years make their way up to the sorting hat. Clarissa shook my arm in anticipation. "Look!" She whisper-yelled. "They're starting, they're starting!"

The first girl to step up was shaking in her shoes.

"The first and the bravest..." muttered the sorting hat. "I think you shall be... GRYFFINDOR!" The voice roared, and the table adjacent to mine exploded in cheers. I clapped halfheartedly. Ravenclaw was by far the smallest house, last year we only had six people chosen for Ravenclaw house. Six.

"And you!" The sorting hat sneered at a malevolent looking little boy, who was swatting at the sorting hat. "Slytherin..." The hat clicked its tongue. Does the sorting hat have a tongue?

I observed the teachers' table, my eyes stopping upon Professor Snape. I expected him to be sizing up the new boy chosen for his house, yet to my surprise, as my green eyes made their way to his, they stared right back deep into mine. His eyes were so black, Merlin, how was that possible? It was like the pupil and the iris blended together, dark as lava rock, cold as ice...

"Zelle?" Riss shook me. "Zelle, what the fuck? You haven't clapped for a single Ravenclaw- what in Rowena Ravenclaw are you doing?" She looked appalled.

"What? What?" I shook my head, clearing my thoughts. I was just tired. I was having tired thoughts.

"Don't what me! You were just ogling at Professor Snape!" She announced, her mouth wide open.

"I was so not! That's disgusting... I was just zoning out. Really, Riss?" I rolled my eyes. I totally wasn't ogling at my Professor. Plus he was looking right back! Wait, he was looking right back...

No. I shook my head violently. No no no. After being kidnapped by my ex boyfriend Malfoy and being forced to become a death eater, I was never getting vulnerable with another man. Especially not my professor! Not like that would ever happen anyway.

Regardless, it wasn't like I could have secrets anyways...

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