18: Empty Promises

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It was Saturday morning, and Dumbledore had invited me to his office 'around lunch'. I hadn't gotten any closer to asking Snape about the spell, as it had totally slipped my mind yesterday.

He was the most relaxed I had ever seen him at, and I fully regret not taking the chance to ask him. However, I had enjoyed our time so greatly that I didn't want to ruin it by asking the question.

There would be another time for that.

The past few days had been relatively uneventful. Class had gone by normally, and Snape and I hadn't had any interaction other than him teaching class. Applicable Potions had gone by easily, with silent reading every day and the occasional question from me.

As it was the weekend, Riss and I were walking around the castle, both of us having signed up to help decorate for the Halloween Ball.

"Did you end up talking to Snape about Malfoy?" Riss asked me casually, holding up a garland of twinkling orange pumpkins.

"Uh, yeah," I said. Oh, we had talked about it, just not how Riss thought. "Just go with Malfoy, because I don't think I can get you out of that. Snape knows what he's trying to do, so it's up to us now," I said, internally blushing after referring to Snape and I as 'us'.

"Thanks, Zelle," she said, setting the garland down to give me a quick hug. "None of this should have to be your problem. I'm so sorry. At least you've got Snape backing you up."

"Yeah," I said, thinking back to what Snape had told me. You will be protected, he had said. Was he going to protect me? He had already saved my life once, after all. I couldn't just expect him to do it again.

A few house elves walked by, laughing amongst themselves. "Thanks for the help, ladies!" One squeaked at us, and we giggled.

"Maybe Malfoy will still be in questioning by the time of the Halloween Ball," Riss said hopefully.

"Riss, darling Riss," a voice smooth-talked its way around Riss and I.

"Speak of the devil," I murmured under my breath, watching Riss put on a show to keep Malfoy convinced she was still into him.

"Draco!" she shrieked. "I'm so glad to see you again. Thank goodness you're out of that dumb questioning," she said, rolling her eyes.

"Oh, yes. It was dreadful. Thank Merlin my father got me out of that horrid place."

"Where was it at?" I asked out of curiosity.

"The ministry," Malfoy spat.

I rolled my eyes and continued putting up the garland.

"We will catch up later, Riss," Malfoy said, a statement rather than a suggestion.

"Absolutely!" She exclaimed, turning around to mouth 'sorry' at me.

I understood. She did what she had to do.

"I have to go," I said, realizing it was almost noon, and I was to be in Dumbledore's office soon. I handed my box of décor off to Riss, promising her I'd be back soon.

I took the stairs to Dumbledore's office, whispering the password to the gargoyle.

Sitting in his usual position behind his desk, my father fiddled with the glove on his hand from his accident this summer. He looked stressed, older.

"My dear Zelle," he greeted me, the usual kindness in his voice, yet there was an underlaying emotion. Tiredness. Pain.

"Hello, Sir. How was your time away?" I asked.

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