7: Belonging

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"Hey, Zelle!" The sixth year smiled at me, grinning ear to ear.

"Hey, Harry," I replied cautiously. "What's going on?"

"Harry, I'll catch up with you soon," Dumbledore ushered him outside of his office. Harry's eyes darted at me, and he waved, walking out the door.

"What was that about?" I asked my father.

"You know very well I can't tell you that, Zelle dear."

"What? In case Vold- the Dark Lord- whatever- tries to search my mind?"

"You are very perceptive, my dear," he responded. "Now, what brings you here?"

"I just- stuff resurfaced. From last year," I said, my voice quieting. I felt dumb for even coming here. What was I going to do? Spill my guts out to Dumbledore? I had already missed Transfiguration, and Magical Theory was almost over. Class wasn't an excuse. But I couldn't keep running to my dear old dad every time Malfoy harassed me and reminded me what had happened.

"Would you like to talk about it?" He gestured to the empty sofa by his desk.

"No. I need to learn how to deal with it myself," I said back. "It's my problem and it's never going to disappear. I have to figure it out."

"You're never alone, Zelle," Dumbledore smiled. "I'm here for you, Professor Trelawney is as well, and even Severus. You have two classes in a row with him, do you not? I'm sure you'd find it easy to confide in him. I do believe you two share many experiences."

"Confide-" My voice rose as I started to laugh, nearly hysterically. Dumbledore looked back at me, continuing to smile.

"He's so bipolar-"

"Zelle!" Dumbledore admonished. "You are talking about your professor here."

"I'm sorry!" I backed away. "Today was a lot. I ran into Malfoy..." I trailed off. Again. Why am I telling him all of this stuff? He doesn't even care.

"Did something happen with Mr. Malfoy?" Dumbledore asked.

"Well, he grabbed me and started saying all this stuff about how I belong with the Death Eaters and how it was Vol- you know- whatever- 's plan for him to spin up this huge lie for me..." I rambled on. "I don't understand why, it's not like he knows you're my father- unless he does and he's going to use me to get to you- holy sh-"

"Zelle!" Dumbledore interrupted, looking more concerned than ever. "None of that is true. You belong here, not with the Death Eaters, and you know that. There are only three people that know of your true identity- that is me, Professor Trelawney, and you. You are safe here. No harm will come to you inside these walls."

"But outside of them, clearly the same principle doesn't stand," I lashed out, pulling my left sleeve up.

"Zelle," he warned.

I stepped back. "I'm sorry," I whispered.

"All is forgiven. Run back to dinner now, as I presume you'll want to spend some time with your friends tonight before your detention tomorrow," he replied, hiding a smile.

Right! I'd forgotten that I hadn't gone to lunch or seen Riss all day. I waved a hasty goodbye to Dumbledore, the gargoyle frowning at me as I sprinted out the door, yet allowing me to pass.

The portraits on the wall eyed me on my way down, yet didn't comment, which I was thankful for. I felt much better after Dumbledore's reassuring words had set in, and I was almost even ready for detention tomorrow. I wasn't nervous. Dumbledore's mention of Snape hadn't even made me blush earlier. There was nothing wrong with me, I convinced myself.

The Great Hall was lit with candles, and Dumbledore had somehow made it downstairs before me. A soft chatter rumbled throughout the hall, everyone discussing their first day of classes. I weaved my way through the Slytherin table, which unfortunately was on the way to the Ravenclaws' table. I found Riss and ran to her.

"Zelle! You skipped two classes today!" She whispered. "What happened? Where were you at lunch? You know I hate sitting by myself," she pouted, making me giggle.

"We'll talk later," I hushed her. "Malfoy's looking over here."

Draco was, indeed, staring at me.

"Weird. Is he still not over it?" Riss rolled her eyes. "He looks like a sick puppy."

"He ended it, remember?" I rolled my eyes. "No, he's just trying to start drama."

Riss shrugged. "Oh, Z, when is he not?" She peered up at Dumbledore, who had suddenly stood up, raising his arms.

"Students!" His deep voice boomed across the hall. "Finally, after a summer full of unforgettable events, we are here together once more. As I'm certain you all are hungry, I will make this short and quick. In two months' worth of time, Hogwarts will be hosting a Halloween ball on October 31st. I tell you ahead of time because not only will you want a head start to find a date, (he winked), but we will also be hosting a haunted town in Hogsmeade! As shop owners begin to set up their stores, it will be impossible to keep this a secret."

A murmur rose over the crowd, and I looked excitedly at Riss. She clutched my hand, eyes wide.

"Students in fourth year or older will be able to attend the haunted town, but the dance is open to everyone! Professors included," he chuckled.

My heart did the goddamn flappy thing as I pictured Snape in a suit. I hope I didn't think that too loud-

Too late. I felt his eyes on mine, and I tried to ignore it as I turned to Riss, who was waving her hands and chatting with Lacey. I absentmindedly turned into their conversation, knowing Riss was already freaking out about a date to Luna and Lacey, who, naturally would be going together.

"Who should I ask?" Riss squealed, turning to me. "Oh my gosh, who are you going to go with?" She asked.

"I don't know... I mumbled. I'll probably just go solo."

Professors included... My mind replayed Dumbledore's words. I shook the thought instantly.

"I know what you're thinking," Riss said, shaking her head sympathetically.

"W-what? How?" I stammered. Can everyone hear my thoughts?

"You're going to have to see Draco with another girl..." Riss said, and honestly, I'm glad she said that instead of what I was thinking.

"Riss..." I said. "Can we never mention him again?"

"It's a deal," she smiled. "As long as you promise to help me get a date!" She joked.

"You know I will, Riss," I smiled. "I've got your back. Now eat something, even if you're too excited too! It's two whole months away."

"I wonder what the dress code will be! Is it too soon to go dress shopping? Don't you guys think Blaise Zabini is kind of cute..." She rambled on.

Although I tried, halfheartedly, to listen to her, there was only one thing on my mind. Tomorrow night's detention. And my morning classes with Snape. I wondered what kind of mood he'd be in, after he snapped at me this morning. He usually only has one mood anyway.

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