14: Alive and Dressless

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Ice swam through my veins, flowing through every inch of my body, coursing through my limbs. I felt my breath return. I felt as if I hadn't taken a breath in a while, yet I couldn't bring myself to remember why. Had I been underwater? I remember feelings as if I was floating-no, I must have been carried. But why?

If only I could open my eyes. I tried blinking, but to no avail. Breathing; however, was starting to feel natural once again. My ears were next- I could hear some mumbling, and was starting to feel my hands again. I flexed my fingers, which felt interesting. My body felt rusty- unused.

"Miss Agoria!" A chipper voice startled me. I swung my head wildly, searching for the source of the voice.

"Ope! Over here- oh your eyesight! I apologize, dear, I'll be right back," the voice announced.

Not really having an option but to wait, I patiently tried to hum under my breath, subtly checking whether I could still speak or not.

The voice returned. "That should be better."

A rush of cool passed over my face, and slowly, edges of my eyesight black, my sight returned. I could tell I was in the hospital wing, and a young nurse was standing near me under the watchful eye of Madame Pomfrey.

"What- what happened?" I asked, sitting up, the soft blankets around me falling to the side.

"Well, you've been in a coma-" The nurse started, the smile on her face unfaltering.

"What?!" I yelped.

"Oh really now, Andrea, that's absolutely unacceptable," Madam Pomfrey tutted, striding over to my bed.

My eyes darted between the healer and the nurse in training.

"Dear," Madam Pomfrey started. "You were admitted to the hospital wing with multitudes of gashes covering your body. You were attacked by a terrible spell, one I am unfamiliar with. Your body gave out, and you lost a lot of blood. You would be in far worse condition if Professor Snape hadn't found you and brought you in immediately. It is truly a miracle."

I took in her words. "Snape brought me in?"

"Don't forget your honorifics, dear. Professor Snape brought you in minutes after the attack. You have been in a coma for two weeks."

"What day is it?" I gasped.

"October twentieth," the nurse helpfully quipped.

Madam Pomfrey gave her a look.

All I could think about was how I was supposed to spend the weekend with Riss.

"Now, dear, Dumbledore will be down to ask you some questions-"

The doors swung open as Dumbledore strode in.

I rose to greet my father, yet he shook his hand at me, waving me back down.

"Zelle. I am overjoyed to see you are up and doing well," he said. The glow in his eyes I was so used to seeing was gone, replaced by something else, a different emotion entirely. Sadness, regret, possibly. I wondered from what.

He waved his hand once more, dismissing Pomfrey. "Zelle," he started.

"Sir," I replied. I stared at him, the father I could never hug, never touch. The father who was only my father for an hour a month. "I haven't had any luck on finding out the spell."

"My dear," he sighed. "That is the last thing on my mind at the moment. Unfortunately, this will have to double as our monthly November meeting," he looked regretful. "I will be out of the school for a bit, and I trust you will be in good hands. However, there are more pressing matters."

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