Chapter 5: Brunch

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"Good evening Nils." I said with a smile on my face as I sat on my bed. "Firstly I'm so sorry about what happened in the live." he said, I don't like him apologising "It's alright Nils, you don't need to apologise." I said "Let me complete, and I'm also sorry of all the rude things I told you the last time we talked." He said "Nils, I know you are a good person. I am sorry for letting you assume my age and all the misunderstandings." I said and there was silence on the other side, "So... since I'm in Germany, would you like to meet?" I asked "Uhh yeah sure. That'd be cool." He said sounding distant "Nils!" I snapped him back into the conversation "Where are we meeting?" I asked/shouted at him "I'll send you the location in a while." "Sure. Bye then." I said smiling "See you soon, fan." He said as we both cut the call.

His 'in a while' didn't come till the next afternoon. It was warm and a little sunny in a quite a while as I was returning to the dorms after getting some lunch from the cafeteria. After having lunch it was around 3 while I lay on my bed looking the ceiling wondering what to wear. I opened my drawer and removed a cropped sweatshirt, a sports bra and high waist straight jeans and yesterdays boots and some golden jewellery. It was after all still before sunrise that we were meeting. I took a short sling on my shoulder with lip balm and glasses and other supplied. I went to have a shower and dressed up while my roommate just came back from wherever she had gone to. "Where to?" She asked "Just meeting a friend." I said "Ooooo a friend!" She said flirtily I furrowed by brows at her "What?" I asked not understanding her reaction "Wait it's just a friend- friend?" She said and I said "Of course yes!" I replied laughing now "Hmph boring... have fun!" She said as she left again. I dressed and took a bus to the restaurant it said in the message. 

I got out of the bus and walked a few blocks to the restaurant as I spotted him sitting at the window of the restaurant. I clicked his picture and sent it to him "who dis? This is not what I ordered!" He checked his phone and looked around and I walked towards him and he saw me as he gave a short smile.

I sat down in front of him as I ordered a pasta and a latte. His eyes ever so fixed at me. 

After ordering I looked at him with a smile as he ordered his food. "So.." he began, "How are you adjusting to Germany? I mean it's a huge change from India obviously." I stuttered as I started to speak, "I- I mean yes obviously but I'm more of an independent person aaand I think I like Germany, it suits me well." I smiled at him with a glint of mischief as our order was placed in and from there our conversation just flowed to his upcoming projects, my life here and back at India and how we would want our futures to go from here. 

We finished and we paid and as we got up I said, "It was nice to finally meet you Nils. I am looking forward to seeing you again!" I laughed and turned around to walk to the nearest bus station.

30 seconds of walking, Nils came running towards me yelling my name and I turned around to find a slightly huffing Nils "It's okay catch your breath first." I said as I motioned my palms up and down towards him.

"My friend, Chris, Christine (A/N she is fictional) is throwing her end of the summer party tomorrow at 5, if you would like to come I'll text you the address."  He said

"You could've texted this too..." I said looking at him with a full blown smile. He looked at me lips pursed and pointed his index finger at me, "Right." I looked at him and laughed a little after which I said "I'll be there, don't worry." He straightened as he said "I'm glad." He started to walk away "If there is anything else call me, facetime me or text me. Don't run again, I walk fast." I called out to him and he turned around and gave me two thumbs up and I smiled as I headed back to the dorms.

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