Hangry babyboy

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The EraserMic family were stuck in traffic! With a sleeping 2 year old little and three teenagers.

Izuku had his pacifier in his mouth suckling it as he was sleeping. Shouta was doing everything in his power to make sure Izuku did not wake up that's why he was sitting in the back seat of the Tesla bedsides Izuku while Monoma and Todoroki sat in the front of him in the two seats and Hitoshi sitting in passenger seat and Hizashi was driving.

"Babe everything alright in the back?" Hizashi asked as he saw his husband looking tense through the top mirror.

"Yeah as long if he is asleep..then it's peaceful" Shouta as he finally relaxed and laid back on the seat.

"Traffic is taking foreverrrrr~" Monoma groaned tiredly "Shhh I'm trying to make my dad mad over texts" Todoroki sighed and Hitoshi laughed softly.

"You three be quiet-" Shouta was cut off by Hizashi's music "Zashi turn that off! Izuku is sleeping!" Shouta whispered yelled at his husband.

Hizashi forgot about that for a second then he turned the radio off. "Sorry babe" Hizashi apologized "Just don't wake the baby up" Shouta groaned.

"Noted.." Hizashi sighed as he reclined his chair back a little bit, "Traffic is such a bitch" Hizashi groaned.

"Language Zashi" Shouta sighed "really babe?" Hizashi yawned as he saw no cars move, "There is a baby here and I don't want him to repeat those bad words" Shouta said tiredly.

"He's not even up dad" Hitoshi yawned as he was about to sleep, "Wake me up when we get to the house" Monoma said before falling asleep.

Todoroki was still pissing his father off over text messages. Shouta soon knocked out inthe backseat. The traffic was hardly ever moving then Izuku woke up wailing. Everyone was startled at first but then they were trying to calm Izuku down.

"Where the hell is his pacifier?!" Shouta growled out "Babe look good inside his bag!" Hizashi said for the 5th time to his husband. "It's not in there Zashi!" Shouta sneered "I put it in his bag! Just look with your eyes and not your butt!" Hizashi sighed.

"Did you bring his small blue bag down Toshi?" Hizashi asked the purple haired boy. "What small blue bag?" Hitoshi questioned, "I handed it to you!" Hizashi groaned "oh I gave it to Monoma to hold" Hitoshi said.

"Don't be throwing me under the bus!" Monoma felt betrayed, "I handed it to you and you left it at the school!" Hitoshi argued "you should've told me it was Izuku's instead just handing me something at random!" Monoma argued back.

"Stop fighting you two before I throw you guys out of the car" Shouta said very frustrated as Izuku continued to cry. "There's no bottles or Pacifier's in this bag?" Shouta asked Hizashi "No because it wouldn't fit so I put it in the small blue bag" Hizashi said.

Shouta took Izuku out of his carseat and had him on his lap, patting his diapered bottom and singing lullabies to the boy. "Note to self never had Toshi the baby's things" Hizashi sighed as he heard his little one still crying.

Hitoshi rolled his eyes, Izuku was probably hungry for formula and he didn't need a diaper change since Izuku was still dry.

"C'mon bunny calm down daddy's right here with you" Shouta sighed as he rocked Izuku, but Izuku wasn't having it. He wanted his formula.

"Bunny.. shhhh shhh your alright" Shouta cooed the boy but he was still wailing, "daddy!" Izuku screamed basically in Shouta's ear.

"Owww okay okay daddy knows your hungry my bunny but hold on" Shouta rocked the boy side to side.

Izuku cried himself back to sleep. Shouta loved his son but he can't deal with a hungry cranky baby boy. Everyone was glad to be back home, Hizashi changed Izuku's diaper and into comfortable clothes while Shouta made Izuku's bottle.

Hizashi gave Izuku his bottle and the boy took it immediately. He was tired from the crying and screaming. Now that he got his formula, he already felt sleepy. Hizashi brushed Izuku's hair out of the boy's eyes, and kissed his forehead.

"Goodnight bunny.." Hizashi left the room quietly, he went to his and Shouta's bedroom. "Is he asleep?" Shouta asked and Hizashi nodded as he joined his husband on the bed.

"He was just hungry and tired" Hizashi kissed Shouta, "let's take a nap, I'm tired" Shouta yawned as snuggled into Hizashi's chest. "Love you Zashi" Shouta mumbled as he was sleepy, "love you to Shou" Hizashi said softly as he put his chin on his husband's head and fell asleep.

A/N: SHORT CHAPTER, really sorry guys! But hopefully this was a good chapter! Please vote! And any suggestions or ideas please comment below!!! Thank you!!!

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