A big fuss over nothing

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Izuku walked to Shouta's office, he entered the room and locked the door when it closed. Shouta and Hizashi both looked up from there bentos, they both looked concerned at the fidgety green haired boy.

"What's wrong baby boy?" Hizashi asked, "Um..I- uh erm.. uhhh.. um.. I-" Izuku stuttered. "Hey hey.. C'more here and tell us what happened" Shouta said as he gestured the boy to come over to them.

Izuku walked over to them, "potty accident daddy" Izuku muttered, Shouta looked at Izuku's behind, the boy soaked through his pull-up. Hizashi sighed as he grabbed the Changing mat and the diaper supplies.

Hizashi set up the changing mat on the floor, "okay baby lay down, so I can change you out of that icky diaper" Hizashi said, Izuku laid down on the changing mat.

Hizashi unbutton Izuku's pants and pulled it off along with his dirty pull-up. "Baby.. I know you don't like wearing diapers when your not in a deeper headspace but you have to wear one for today, cause I think daddy forgot to put more pull-ups in the backpack" Hizashi said.

Izuku whined and started kicking his legs as he was half naked. "Bunny, no tantrums today" Shouta said sternly, "it's just for today bunny" Hizashi sighed. Izuku shook his vigorously "No! Don't wanna it" Izuku tried to get up but Shouta kneeled on the ground and pushed Izuku by the shoulder back on the ground.

"Daddy! S'op!!!! No no no!!! Let go!!!" Izuku cried, Hizashi was trying to diaper the boy but he kept kicking his legs and squirming. Izuku finally had the diaper on him but adults sighed in relief, but they weren't prepared for the major tantrum Izuku was about to throw.

Izuku was screaming his lungs out and banging his fists on the ground. "Izuku!" Hizashi snapped, Izuku stopped with his tantrum and looked at his papa. "Go stand in the corner. Now" Hizashi snapped again and glaring at the little boy, Izuku went to the corner and stood for how ever long Hizashi wanted him to.

Izuku stood there for 10 minutes before Hizashi called him to come over, Hizashi sat Izuku on his lap and wiped the boy's tears and snot from his face. "You know papa will never ever be cruel or mean to you, right?" Hizashi kissed his head, "I know papa b-but people can see it" Izuku hiccuped "If they do, so what? If they make fun of you then you tell papa and daddy immediately so we can handle them" Hizashi said.

"Okay bunny, come on let's go walk to class" Shouta said as he was standing and had his hand held out to the boy which Izuku took and stood up. Then walked to Midnight's class, "3..2..1" Izuku counted down and the bell rang. Shouta and Hizashi smiled at the boy and gave him a hug and kiss then left.


Shouta was cradling Izuku in his lap, singing to him softly till he fell asleep but Izuku couldn't sleep. It was 11 O'clock and Hizashi was knocked out beside Shouta and Izuku on the bed. Shouta was very very tired, and he was trying to put his little one to bed.

"What's wrong baby? Do you want baba?" Shouta asked tiredly but Izuku shook his head, Shouta sighed and closed his eyes "Bunny you win.." Shouta gave Izuku his phone and fell asleep instantly.

Izuku smirked as he went on Shouta's phone and played games, then he snooped on Shouta's phone and Izuku was confused on why his dad was calling some of class 1A his kids, and acting like a father to them. Izuku felt jealous at moment, Izuku wasn't good at sharing the people he loved because he didn't want those people to leave him at the end.

"Daddy doesn't think I am enough?" Izuku asked himself before silently crying himself to sleep. He couldn't even go to bed, and since he couldn't sleep he went to Shinso's room "..Kitty?" Izuku shook the purple haired teen gently. Hitoshi woke up, he groaned but he saw Izuku with tears coming down his he started to worry, "hey hey what's wrong?" Hitoshi asked with open arms on the bed and Izuku climbed on the bed and laid in bed as Hitoshi held him.

"What happened bunny?" Hitoshi asked as he wiped the tears off his face, "daddy doesn't want me anymore.." Izuku cried into Hitoshi's chest. "What? Bunny, dad does want you so does pops.. they love you and me to" Hitoshi kissed his head "I'm sorry you feel that way bubs" Hitoshi said.

"If daddy love me then why does act like a dad to others?" Izuku asked "It's because that's how dad is to other kids but me and you will never be replaced, you need to know that, okay bunny?" Hitoshi said as ran his fingers through Izuku's hair. "O-okay I trust you Kitty.." Izuku sighed, Hitoshi nodded "let's go sleep little bunny" Hitoshi said as held him and they both ended up asleep on the bed.

A/N: I NEED HELP FOR THE NEXT CHAPTER, PLEASE HELP!!! THANKS FOR READING!!! K bye! Remember to follow those amazing people from the picture above!!!

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A/N: I NEED HELP FOR THE NEXT CHAPTER, PLEASE HELP!!! THANKS FOR READING!!! K bye! Remember to follow those amazing people from the picture above!!!

Their Precious Boy Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora