Running away over a toy?

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"Izuku stop this already!" Bakugou exclaimed as he watch Izuku basically throw a tantrum.

Izuku was being babying sat by Bakugou while Shouta and Hizashi was out of town and Hitoshi was hanging with his boyfriends this weekend. He was arguing with Bakugou about action figure. Izuku absolutely loved his action figures cause it was collectibles.

"No your broke my Hawks Figurine!" Izuku said.

"It was an accident, I never meant to do that!" Bakugou groaned.

"No you did!" Izuku stomped his feet.

"Stop it Izuku. I didn't mean to break it! It's not my fault that you don't clean up after yourself!" Bakugou yelled.

"Shut up!" Izuku yelled.

"Corner now. I'm not going to tell you again. I'm sick and tired of telling you constantly to pick up your toys up, go take a bath, do your homework, eat your food when you resent me afterwards! I've had it with you!" Bakugou yelled.

Izuku face soften and he teared up. He immediately ran out of the front door and ran till he was far from his house.


It was 1pm and Bakugou was still looking for Izuku but he called the whole class of 1A to help him.

"I can't believe your dumbass fucking let my little brother run away!" Hitoshi groaned.

"I didn't let him, he just did it!" Bakugou groaned.

"Izuku!" Kaminari yelled out Izuku's name.

"Midori-Bro!" Kirishima yelled.

"Are we even looking in the right place?" Yaoyorozu asked.

"Maybe not" Monoma said.


They had no choice but to tell the Police, The Parents, the teachers about this. They believe that they found Izuku's location in the forest.

"I'm going to kill you Bakugou!" Shouta said.

"He ran off with his quirk! How the fuck am I supposed chase after him when my quirk isn't mean't for speed action!" Bakugou groaned.

"Stop it both of you! We are trying to search for Izuku" Hizashi sighed as extremely worried about his son.

They searched for hours and hours still nothing.


Shouta opened the door to the apartment and walked in with his Husband, he took his shoes off and took his scarf off same did Hizashi.

"Babe do you hear that?" Hizashi asked.

"Hear what?" Shouta asked.

"That sound coming from Izu's room?" Hizashi asked.

Both of them made their way to the Izuku's room and found the boy in the closet sniffling.

"Babe call Naomasa tell him we found him" Shouta sighed in relief.

Hizashi picked Izuku up and hugged him.

"I've missed you so much buddy!!! Me and daddy were so worried about you!" Hizashi cried.

Hizashi gave him to Shouta and stepped out to call Naomasa and everyone else about it.

"Izuku why didn't you tell anyone you were at home all this time?" Shouta started out soft.

"Dunno but it's not a big deal" Izuku shrugged.

"Not a big deal?! You fucking ran away and came back home to hide!!! We were all worried sick about you and have the nerve to think what you did was okay! Izuku we had Police, Pro-Heroes and your friends looking for you all fucking day!!!" Shouta was fumming.

"...Bakugou broke m-my toy..." Izuku said quietly.

"Speak up when I talk to you" Shouta said.

"Bakugou...b-broke my t-t-toy.." Izuku said.

"Is that why you ran away?" Shouta sighed as put his head back and massaged his forehead.

"...y-yeah" Izuku said.

"You do realize how ridiculous that was? Right?! Next time if you get upset you talk not run away! Cause now.... All those hard hours of looking for you and all that time spent was for absolutely nothing!" Shouta leaned against stressed out of his mind.

"I'm sorry..." Izuku said.

"Are you really?" Shouta asked.

"Kinda.." Izuku said.

Shouta took Izuku to the Nursey, stripped him from his clothes. He diapered him and put him in a onesie and placed in the corner. He spanked the boy as he was in the corner for 3 minutes so that was about 50 something smacks to the behind.

A/N: Requests are open for both books! Thank you for all the requests everyone, I appreciate it! Anyaforgersmugface

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