Running away from an angry dad

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Izuku was in the teacher's lounge with Shouta, and he was throwing a fit after Shouta saying he couldn't training camp with Shouta and Hitoshi he had to stay with Hizashi.

"Izuku. We do not throw things." Shouta scolded.

Izuku stomped his feet and turned away from Shouta. Damn this kid, he always gets super bratty when he doesn't get his way.

"Pick up your sippy cup. Now." Shouta ordered.

Izuku plopped his bottom on the ground and started kicking the ground and wailing. Shouta cursed under his breath, this isn't how he wanted his morning to go. But oh well.

"Not till.. I can go to the training camp." The now 15 year old teen glared.

"I'm going to count to 3, and if that sippy cup isn't picked up by then you can explain to the rest of the class why you'll be standing up all week due to sore bottom you'll be getting if don't listen to daddy." Shouta threatened.

The green haired boy just huffed and crossed his arms. Shouta raised at brow at his little one but he wasn't fazed by the glare at all, he was still putting up his 'Big Bratty Boy' act.

"One." Shouta started but Izuku didn't move an inch, he just sat on the ground pouting.

"Two!" Shouta raised his voice just a bit letting the small boy know he was serious on spanking he was about to get if he didn't listen to him right now. 

"Two and a half!" Shouta voice got louder and Izuku uncrossed his arms and looked up at his daddy scared.

"...Thr-" Shouta was cut off as Izuku hurried to pick up the sippy cup he had thrown on the ground earlier.

Izuku gave his sippy cup to Shouta then the older man took it from him with a small smirk.
"What do we say after we do something bad?" Shouta asked.

"Sowwy dada, me no want spankings." Izuku rubbed his teary eyes as Shouta chuckled at the last part of what Izuku said and picked him up.

"All is forgiven bunny but we don't want throw tantrums when things don't go our way, we talk our problems out, okay? So next time please try to talk to dada if you have a problem" Shouta kissed Izuku's temple then Izuku nodded and was set on the ground.

The green haired boy slipped out of headspace, "Why can't I go to the training camp but Toshi can. It isn't fair" Izuku said a bit angry which made Shouta let out a sigh.

"It's because..I'm worried if you slip into headspace that's all. You know if you slip then it's not only going to be in front of your classmates but in front of class 1B to. You don't want that to happen do you?" Shouta said as he ran his fingers through his hair.

Izuku stared at the man before nodding in understanding of what Shouta had just said to him. He didn't want to be humiliated but he also just wanted to prove that he can be big for that amount of time and also he just really wanted to be with his friends! He just wanted his dad and papa to understand his point of view of this but I guess Shouta was still not getting it all through.

"D-dad can you just reconsider.. please I-" Izuku pleaded with everything he got but his dad just dismissed him.

"I already told Nedzu that you won't be joining and therefore I am not changing my mind. I'm sorry baby boy but-" Izuku cut him off by him groaning in irritation.

"Watch the attitude." Shouta warned the boy.

"Dad Please! What happens if I don't slip during the training camp?" Izuku begged while Shouta scratched his head in a bit of frustration.

"Key word: If and I am not taking that risk so Izuku please just drop it." Shouta stated but the boy just huffed.

"I'm gonna go on ahead to homeroom, ok? So yeah." Izuku said with a bit of attitude, but earned a couple of hard swats to bottom.

"I'm warning you Izuku. Keep it up then you'll be getting 50 swats with my hand and the belt." Shouta gave him deadly glare which made Izuku go pale instant this time.

Izuku grabbed his backpack and left to homeroom in a hurry to cause anymore trouble for himself.

.  .  .

Just a regular heroics class, with class 1A battling with each other. Capture the flag battle, this time it isn't Heroes vs Villains.
BakuSquad vs DekuSquad.. it was going good till Bakugou, Sero, Ojiro, and Hagakure said some stuff about the others in the DekuSquad.

"Bakugou why don't you shut your mouth so we won't have to listen to the bullshit you have to say" Izuku said on comms which shocked not just the students but the teachers as well.

"W-wha-" Bakugou stuttered on the comms, "oh is the high and mighty Katsuki Bakugou stuttering, what huh!" Izuku groaned.

"Problem Child, see me after class." Aizawa said sternly on the comms.

"Ooooo someone's in trouble!" Ashido said teasingly, "Izuku's gonna get it!" Shinso smirked devilishly.

"Shut the fuck up Toshi!" Izuku rolled his eyes, "IZUKU!" Shouta scolded him sternly.

"That's it, class dismissed!" Shouta said to everyone on the comms.

Oh boy was Izuku in deep trouble, Izuku quickly ran off and Shouta chased after him to the staff dorms. Izuku quickly ran into their room, he saw his papa (Hizashi) who wasn't teaching today because he had work for his radio station. Izuku gulped.

"Ah ah come over here, I want to talk to you about the interesting phone call I got from daddy not to long ago." Hizashi smiled wickedly.

"Nu uh" Izuku shook his head slowly backing away to his room. Shouta had just entered the dorm room complex looking not to pleased with Izuku at the moment.

"Zuzu..come here please." Hizashi's face softened as he stood up from the kitchen table.

Izuku made a flee to his room, and locked the bedroom door. He sat on the floor with his back against the door. Shouta knocked on the door while Hizashi tried to pick the lock.

"Izuku. Open. The. Door." Shouta demanded.

Izuku flinched at his daddy's voice. Hizashi still trying to unlock the door. Izuku's attitude went to far this time for sure.

"D-daddy no wanna" Izuku whimpered softly.

"Izuku. Daddy's not going to tell you again.
Open. The. Door. Now!" Shouta was losing patience with Izuku.

Izuku was definitely in for a lot of trouble. He was scared to come out after all he didn't want his bottom to be sore for a week or more.

"Izuku listen to daddy." Hizashi sighed, still trying to unlock the door.

"Papa noooo" Izuku whimpered even more, both adults who stood outside the door could hear him clearly.

"Move Hizashi" Shouta grumbled as he pushed (not roughly!) his husband out of the way to unlock the door with a safety pin.

Izuku heard the door finally unlocked, he moved away from the door to hide under the covers of his bed. Shouta and Hizashi both walked in, and saw him crying under the covers.

"Bunny.." Hizashi frowned, he hated seeing his baby boy sad. Shouta on the other hand felt bad for the boy but he needed to be disciplined in order to learn from his mistakes.

"Come on let's start your punishment." Shouta said as took the covers off of the boy but Izuku whimpered and shook his head.

AN: Sorry for the short chapter, hopefully this is was a good story so far!You guys can suggest anything in the comments and if you guys want to rp, dm me!

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