Halloween with papa & daddy

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Wholesome chapter.
Request: PrincessPeach606

"Izuku you ready to go trick or treating?" Shouta called out to his son.

Izuku walked out of the room with Hizashi dressed as dragon. Hizashi was wearing just a normal outfit.

"Look daddy I'm dragon!" Izuku said happily as he jumped up and down.

"Yes yes I see that little dragon" Shouta chuckled.

"Rawrrrrrr!!" Izuku laughed.

"I'm not bad dragon, daddy! I'm a good dragon! Not mean" Izuku said as he put on his shoes.

"Of course you're not a mean dragon precious" Shouta smiled.

"Okay I got everything ready" Hizashi said as he smiled.


"Be careful baby, don't be wondering off" Hizashi said.

"I won't papa" Izuku said as he held onto Hizashi's hand.

Hizashi took Izuku to a one of the house with Halloween decorations outside to get candy.

"What do you say bud?" Hizashi asked.

"Trick or treat" Izuku held out his cute Halloween bucket.

"Awww aren't you a cute boy, here you go. Happy Halloween" The lady at the doorstep said as she gave Izuku candy.

"Izuku what do you say after?" Hizashi said.

"Thank you and happy Halloween" Izuku smiled and went back to Shouta with Hizashi.

"Ooo you got good candy" Shouta took a peek at Izuku's bucket.

"Can I eat one daddy?" Izuku asked.

"Wait till tomorrow bud, me and papa have to look through your candy to see if it's safe" Shouta held Izuku's hand.

"Okay daddy! Once you and papa done checking my candy, I can have one?" Izuku asked.

"Yes green bean if you're well behaved" Shouta smiled.

"I'll be good daddy!" Izuku smiled and jumped.

"I know you are baby" Shouta smiled.

They went to more houses till Izuku got tired of walking and Shouta put him in the wagon that Hizashi brought.

"Izuku ah ah sit down before you fall" Hizashi warned.

Izuku sat down in the wagon and looked at all the kid's costumes.

"Papa can we get McDonald's after?" Izuku asked.

Hizashi looked at Shouta with a smirk.

"Well daddy what do you say? Let's get McDonald's afterwards?" Hizashi asked.

"We're only going cause I want coffee" Shouta yawned.

Hizashi kissed Shouta's lips.

"I love you Shou" Hizashi smiled.

"I love you to Zashi" Shouta smiled.

"What about me?" Izuku pouts.

"Oh we didn't forget about our little baby, me and daddy love you very much" Hizashi smiled.

"Yes we love you a lot green salad" Shouta let out a small chuckle.

"I love both daddy and papa a lottttt" Izuku giggled.

They continued to keep walking around and get candy. Till Shouta felt tired then they went back to the car and went to McDonald's drive thru.

"Hi yes can I have Big Mac with fries and a medium coke and iced medium coffee also just spicy chicken sandwich..." Hizashi orders.

"Alright anything else?" The lady on the intercom said.

"And a chicken nugget happy mean with fries and small fruit punch" Hizashi orders.

"Papa McFlurry please" Izuku said.

Hizashi looked at Shouta to get his approval on this.

"Make it two McFlurry's, I want one to" Shouta said.

"Can I have three McFlurry's and that'll be all" Hizashi said.


"Izuku you can have your McFlurry tomorrow, okay? Time to sleep" Shouta said.

Everyone got ready and dressed for bed.

"Promise?" Izuku whimpers.

"Yes I promise you" Shouta sighed.

"Don't eat it daddy cause I know you gonna eat it" Izuku said as he got comfy in bed.

"What- I don't eat other people's food" Shouta huffed.

"Babe you ate burrito yesterday" Hizashi pointed out.

"And you ate Hitoshi's pie yesterday to" Hizashi said.

"Well....if it sits out in the open I'm going to eat it" Shouta groaned.

Izuku giggled.

"Goodnight daddy and papa" Izuku smiled.

"Goodnight precious" Both parents said in unison.

A/N: Thank you for reading this book and voting on this chapter. Requests are open also dm's are open.

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