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Jisung woke up the next morning to an empty bed and a note on his nightstand. 

'hey, sorry i wasn't here when you woke up
talk later, okay? i promise. 
i love you, sungie.' 

He just stared at the note a few times in shock. He genuinely expected the older to completely act like nothing happened. I mean, why wouldn't he? He cheated on his boyfriend with his ex. Why would he want to focus on fixing things with Jisung and not just forgetting it happened? Jisung felt his heart flutter each time he read the last line, but he tried to push the feelings down, replacing them with the guilt of breaking his promise. 'Not even feelings' he promised yet here he is, deeply in love right after getting the life fucked out of him. He sighed and climbed out of bed, knowing he had a fairly long day ahead of him. He had to go to a shoot at noon and then he had to pick Jaeho up that afternoon. He quickly got ready as it was already 10:30 and left, knowing the shoot was a good distance away and he would need some coffee on the way. He got there with 10 minutes to spare, trying to forget the night prior and just focus on his work. 


The shoot went fine. He did what he needed to do and left, heading to Eric's house to pick up his son. He knew he was a little early but he figured it wouldn't matter. It was 4 and he was supposed to be there at 4:30. After knocking, there was some shuffling before the door finally opened. 

"You're early," Eric said, dead-pan. 

"Didn't think it'd matter too much." Jisung rolled his eyes and made his way into the apartment. "Where is he?" 

"He's sleeping in my bed. Fell asleep about 20 minutes ago." Jisung nodded and looked around, noticing how empty the place looked. All of the family pictures were taken down and there were only one or two pictures of just Jaeho were left up. Jisung started to feel a little uncomfortable in the awkward silence between the former couple and scratched the side of his neck, slightly pulling his shirt to the side. What he didn't realize was he was only drawing attention to the barely healed red marks that littered the bottom of his neck. Eric scoffed at the sight. 

"What?" Jisung turned and looked at him. 

"The one night you don't have him and you're already sleeping around." 

"Don't act like you probably aren't fucking every other night. It's not like you have anything else to do." 

"Who was it? Was it Minho?" Eric laughed. "Probably was. But I'm just crazy and insecure even though the two of you are literally fucking while he's in a relationship. You probably whored around with that model a few years back too. Wouldn't really shock me. You've always had that wild side, haven't you, Jisung?" 

"Are you fucking serious right now?" Jisung asked, bewildered. 

"Am I wrong?" 

"Okay, I'm leaving right now." Jisung stormed to his old bedroom and gently woke up Jaeho, leaving as fast as possible. "You are such an asshole." He whispered, making sure the sleepy boy in his arms didn't hear. "Tell him bye, Jae. You'll see him again next weekend but it's time to go home." 

"Bye, dad. I love you." Jaeho called out, half-asleep. 

"I love you too, baby." Jisung quickly walked out of the apartment, slamming the door in the process and bringing his son to his car, and driving home, trying to calm down. When he got home, he noticed Minho's car was there, but he tried to ignore it, hoping that just maybe he wouldn't have to deal with it right now. They went into their home and Jaeho immediately ran to his room, missing his toys. Jisung stomped his way to the couch and sat down, just scrolling through his phone, his anger not subsiding. He heard a door open and then footsteps coming towards the living room, but he ignored it. 

"Rough day?" The familiar voice called out, with a playful tone. Jisung hesitantly looked up and made eye contact with a slightly worried yet still amused Minho. 

"Don't even get me started, Min. Eric is such a fucking asshole." He groaned, setting his phone down next to him. Neither of them wanted to address the elephant in the room. 

"What did he do?" Minho sat down next to him, their hands dangerously close to each other. 

"Just said some dumb shit. It's like he tries to piss me off." 

"Did he see the..." Minho gestures to his neck, referring to the hickies on Jisung's. Jisung nodded and rolled his eyes. 

"Yeah." He sighed, resting his head against the back of the couch and closing his eyes. 

"Guess I'll just have to be more careful next time." He laughed, but Jisung's head shot up, immediately making eye contact with Minho. 

"Next time?" He asked, shocked. 

"Well, yeah, I was hoping. That's kinda what I wanted to talk to you about." 

"But, you're still with Chan. I- I don't want to hurt him." 

"I know, and I don't either." Minho draped his hand over Jisung's and squeezed comfortingly. Jisung stared down at their hands, but couldn't bring himself to move. "He really doesn't deserve it. But I just don't know what to do." 

"I'm sorry, but I can't do anything until the two of you aren't together. I don't want to make things any worse than they already are." 

"This is just like high school again." Minho laughed, breathily. "Maybe this time I'll actually do it right." 

"Guess we'll just have to wait and find out." Jisung looked up at Minho. 

"Guess so," Minho replied, holding eye contact with Jisung. The two of them felt a force pushing them together, and neither of them wanted to push back. Eventually, their lips softly pressed against each other. It wasn't heated or lustful or fast. It was slow and soft, both just enjoying the presence of the other. It wasn't until they heard a toy clank against the floor of the living room did they finally pull apart, both slightly out of breath. Jisung was the first to turn away and saw Jaeho picking up a now broken toy. 

"What happened, baby? How'd it break?" Jisung asked, hoping he didn't see the two of them on the couch. 

"I was coming to show you how cool it was but I dropped it." 

"It's alright, Jae. Uncle Kitty can fix it for you, give it here." Jaeho gave Minho the toy and he was quickly able to snap the pieces back together and fix it. "Here ya go, buddy. All better." 

"Thank you, Uncle Kitty." He said, excitingly. He was about to say something else but his stomach grumbled. 

"Are you hungry, baby?" Jaeho nodded. "Alright, daddy will go make us some dinner, okay?" 

"Okay." He said before plopping down on the couch and watching a cartoon Minho put on. A sigh of relief left both of them as the toddler said nothing about the two of them. Hopefully, he never does. 

ℂ𝕠𝕟𝕗𝕚𝕕𝕖𝕟𝕥 - 𝔸𝕤𝕙𝕒𝕞𝕖𝕕 𝕀𝕀 // 𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐠Where stories live. Discover now