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"So, Jae, daddy has a surprise for you?" Jisung said,  guiding Jaeho to his new room. 

"What is it? What is it?" The boy jumped around excited. Jisung just slowly opened the door and let Jaeho come in. His eyes lit up in awe as he looked around his brand new bedroom. While there were a lot of his old things, there were also a lot of new things for him to play with. "It's so awesome!" He yelled immediately running to his toybox. 

"I'm glad you love it. Daddy's gonna go to the living room with Uncle Kitty now, okay?" Jaeho nodded, barely even paying attention to his dad, too focused on the things around him. Jisung walked to the living room and sat down next to Minho. 

"So, does he like it?" 

"Oh, yeah. He barely even noticed I was leaving." They both laughed. 

"I'm glad, you and Felix put in a lot of hard work to make it look great." 

"That reminds me. Thank you for helping me with my room. Seriously, I really appreciate it. Like, a lot." 

"Of course, Ji. And it wasn't just me, it was all of us. And besides, your room isn't even done yet so don't be thanking me yet." 

"It's not?" Jisung tilted his head, trying to remember what the older was talking about. 

"No, you still need to do the collage thing. If you want, we can look through pictures together. I'm sure I have a few old pictures."

"For real?" Minho smiled and nodded. "I'll go grab my computer. I have all my old photos in a folder." Jisung hurriedly got up and ran to his room to grab his computer, causing a giggle to leave Minho. The younger was back within a few seconds. He sat down and unlocked it, quickly going to the camera roll. Jisung put the computer where both of them could easily look at the screen and clicked on the first picture. Jisung's mom had taken the photo. It was Felix and Jisung on their first day of freshman year. Jisung felt a small smile creep onto his lips and he quickly added it to his 'print' folder for all the pictures for his collage. Minho and Jisung sat on the couch just scrolling through old pictures of their old friend group, adding more and more to the folder. There hadn't been any pictures of Minho yet, which did slightly upset him, but he didn't point out. Finally, the first picture of the older showed up. 

"And you said you were straight." Jisung laughed. It was a picture of the older kissing Jisung's cheek and Jisung smiling widely. 

"We look so happy." Minho smiled at the photo, just reminiscing on their old memories together. After this, there were many more photos of the two together. It was very clear that this was when they started dating. Luckily, there were a few that weren't too coupley so Jisung went ahead and added them to the folder. Once they finally reached the end of the folder, there were about 70 pictures Jisung wanted to print. Then, they decided to go through Minho's phone. There were old selfies of Minho with their friends. He sent them all to Jisung and Jisung quickly shuffled through all of them, adding the best to the folder. Luckily, Felix had already sent all of his pictures to Jisung as well, so the folder was full. Minho decided while Jisung was beginning to print all of these photos, they could go through the old videos of their hangouts. They were all funny videos of their friends just doing dumb shit until a certain scandalous video of Jisung started playing. It was one that he had sent while they were dating of him whimpering and touching himself, saying extremely lewd things. 

"Hyung, please. I need you in me." Teenage Jisung said in the video. Minho never exited an app so quickly in his life. Jisung's face was beet red as he slowly sunk into the couch, wanting to disappear. He couldn't believe his younger self would ever send something like that and that Minho actually saved the video at the time. It was silent for a good minute neither of them knowing what to say. Jisung started to quietly laugh to himself, still in disbelief. Once his laughter started to get louder and louder, Minho joined in. The two of them were howling on the couch, not believe the video they accidentally came across. Jisung grabbed Minho's phone and deleted the video, never wanting it to be seen again. 

"Oh my god, why the fuck would I ever do that?" Jisung laughed. 

"Better question is why didn't I ever delete that. I genuinely didn't know I had that until this second." 

"Don't fucking tell anyone cause that's so fucking embarrassing. Felix already doesn't believe I'm a top so that would truly only make the situation worse." After laughing for a few more minutes, the two finally calmed down right as Jaeho walked out of his bedroom. 

"Hey, daddy?" Jaeho asked, walking and sitting on his dad's lap. 

"Yeah, baby?" 

"I'm hungry. Can I have a snack?" 

"Not a snack, but I'll make you some lunch. Does that sound good?" Jaeho smiled and nodded. "Alright, you just go keep playing and I'll tell you when it's ready, m'kay?" The boy wasted no time to quickly run back to his room. 

"I'll make him some food, Ji. You can keep printing those and putting up the pictures." Minho offered, standing up. 

"Are you sure? You really don't have to." 

"Yes, I'm positive." Minho replied before walking to the kitchen.  Jisung listened to Minho and continued getting pictures. After about 20 minutes, all the photos were done so Jisung headed to his room to begin putting them up. Not too long after there was a knock on his door. He called a 'come in'. 

"Hey, need any help?" Chan asked, walking over to Jisung. 

"When'd you get here?" Jisung questioned confused. 

"Just a few minutes ago. I just came over to hang out with you guys but then MIn told me you might need help, so here I am."

 "I mean, I do. Just like tell me what you think would look good and where." The two continued to set up the collage, placing some fairy lights around it making it look very aesthetically pleasing. Just in time, Minho called out to everyone that their lunch was ready. The two left Jisung's room and Jaeho left his room, everybody heading to the dining room table. They finished eating and cleaned up, and Jisung sent Jaeho to his room for a nap. 

"So, me and Chan are gonna go out for a bit, you good here?" Minho said, slipping his shoes on.

"Yeah, go have fun. I'm good." 

"Alright, I'll see you when I get home." Jisung nodded and the two left, leaving Jisung sitting alone on the couch in silence. He couldn't help but feel slightly upset. He wanted to know what they were doing. If they were going on a date or just hanging out with friends. He knew that they didn't owe him an explanation, but that didn't stop him from being upset that he was left in the dark. In all honesty, he really only cared about what Minho was doing. 

ℂ𝕠𝕟𝕗𝕚𝕕𝕖𝕟𝕥 - 𝔸𝕤𝕙𝕒𝕞𝕖𝕕 𝕀𝕀 // 𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐠Where stories live. Discover now