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Eun-mi's pov:

I have been thinking about the talk I had with Jungkook's mother for some time and decided to have a talk with Taehyung. I sent a guard to invite Taehyung to speak with me whenever he is free. In just a few minutes, Taehyung came to my chamber and now he is sitting in front of me, waiting for me to say something for quite a while.

His boots were tapping on the floor due to nervousness. So without delaying any further, I started the conversation, "Did you find any women to get married to you?"

He looked at me for a second and shook his head, muttering a small, "No"

"Why Taehyung?'' I enquired.

He gave a big sigh and said, "I want it to be you. If it's not you, then no one"

"Why do you want it to be me, Taehyung?", I asked him since that question has been running in my mind from the day he proposed to marry me.

He almost replied immediately without any hesitation, "Because I love you Eun-mi"

I don't know since when he started loving me. I thought he hated me before and when he came to know that I was not at fault, his hate for me was gone. But when did he start loving me? I thought it was a pity that he had mistaken for love in the beginning. But he is persistent and now I feel like he does love me. But how can I reciprocate his love?

"But you know I don't love you right?" I asked him, straightforwardly. 

I know I hurt him with my words. But I don't want to give him false hope.

"My love is enough for both of us", he told me sincerely.

I shook my head and said, "You deserve to be loved Taehyung"

He nodded his head accepting and said with a sad smile, "l would be glad if you could give me some"

I nodded my head and told him, "I will try" 

He did not expect me to say that. His eyes got widened by my response and he shouted, "WHAT!?"

"I will try to love you Taehyung", I once again told him. 

This time he smiled genuinely and asked, "Really?"

I nodded my head and said, "That's what everyone around me wants. Even Jungkook"

His smile disappeared at my response and he stated, "You don't have to agree to it because of everyone else Eun-mi. Give me a chance if only you want to. If not, then don't", He told me strictly.

I gave a big sigh and said, "I have been thinking about what I actually want Taehyung. But I can't put my finger onto anything. So I believe in everybody who wants me to give you a chance. I know they all want me to be happy. So I want to give you a chance too" 

He was searching my eyes for something and finally asked, "You aren't forced to accept me right?"

I shook my head immediately and answered, "No. I took this decision myself"

On hearing me, he nodded his head and took my hand in his and said sincerely, "Then I will make sure you won't regret it"


And he kept his word. He did not make me regret a single second of being with him.

We got married and I got crowned as a queen of three kingdoms. It was a little tough to adjust to married life with Taehyung. But as days went by, we got the grip of it. 

DON'T I DESERVE TO BE LOVED ✔जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें