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Taehyung's pov:

As I went to Len-ah's chamber, it was empty. I asked the guard about her whereabouts. He said the king ordered the guards to throw Len-ah out of the palace. But Len-ah was unwilling to leave so they had no other choice, but to drag her out. He said It was just a few minutes back when they dragged her out. So I went towards the entrance of the palace only to see a shouting Len-ah, telling them to let her go.

When she saw me, she said, "Taehyung, ask them to leave me. You can't do this. Just because I didn't feed Ji-eun you can't throw me out of the palace. It was the king who let me live in this palace as a royal. So you can't decide to throw me out. You are going against the king words"

So she thinks it was me who ordered the guards to throw her out. I don't know what made my father change his decision of letting Len-ah stay as a royal.

"It was me who decided to throw you out", My father's voice interrupted my thoughts. 

Our heads turned towards the direction of his arrival. He walked towards us with all his glory. On reaching us, he looked at Len-ah and said, "It was not Taehyung. It was me who ordered the guards to throw you out and put you back in your place".

Len-ah was taken aback. She thought the king was the only way to save herself. Now she can't believe this is happening to her.

"No majesty... You can't... You can't do this... You said I can live as a royal if I don't follow Taehyung out of the palace. You can't take back your words now", She said and cried. 

I now know not to pity the snake. So I just stood there watching the scene happening before me.

"Did I say that?"My father asked surprised with his hand on his chin pretending to think.

"Yes, majesty... You did say that... Please don't throw me out. People might say that you did not go by your words", She tried her best in persuading my father to let her stay in the palace.

"If I remember correctly, I said that you can live as a royal and give birth to our heir. Which means that you can live as a royal until you give birth. Now it's time to get back to your old life", My father said.

Ok, I learned one thing. Never assume the meaning of my father's words. He has so many hidden meanings to it. I should be careful when speaking with him.

"No..No..You can't do this to me", Len-ah started throwing tantrums realising that her tactics won't work anymore.

"I would have given you some more time Len-ah, if only you were not greedy and behaved as a good mother to your daughter", My father told her. 

How did my father come to know about her behaviour towards Ji-eun? Maybe he was keeping an eye on her.

"I am sorry. I will take good care of her. Please let me stay. I don't have anywhere to go. I don't have anything with me. Show me some mercy, your majesty", She begged as the last straw. 

But my father showed an unbothered face. He simply took a sack of coins and threw it towards Len-ah. "This is the only mercy I can show you. Get out", with that he turned towards the guard and ordered, "Close the gates. I don't have any more time to waste on this. Don't let her in, no matter what".

I saw Len-ah crying her eyes out when the gates of the palace were closing on her face. But I don't have any pity left for her after what she did to my baby. If Len-ah can turn deaf ear to Ji-eun's cries, why can't I turn deaf ear to hers?

Once again karma did its work. Len-ah wanted Eun-mi to suffer on the street, now it's her who's on the streets. I hope her chapter is closed with this. But I know she isn't a person to give up soon.


On returning to Eun-mi's chamber, I went and carried my baby Ji-eun. Seeing the tiny human smiling innocently towards me made me blame myself. 

"I am sorry baby... It's my fault that you don't have a mother figure in your life... I chose the wrong one... I was blinded by my stupidity... I failed to give you a mother. Please forgive me" I cried and apologized to her.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned to look at its owner. 

"I failed her, Eun-mi", I said and lowered my head in shame. 

"Don't blame yourself Taehyung. It's not your fault. You didn't know what Len-ah was up to. You believed her. It's not anyone's fault to have belief in someone. I believed her too. I thought she was my best friend who cared for me. But she betrayed both of us... Now let us look on the bright side. It's because of her I get to be with Jungkook and it's because of her you have Ji-eun with you. I will not trade anything with the time I spent with Jungkook. Will you trade Ji-eun for anything or anyone?", She asked me. 

Of course, I won't. I shook my head no instantly.

"Exactly. There is always something good in everything that happened or will happen. So don't lose your hope", She said, giving me positive thoughts. 

Later she continued, "And as for Ji-eun, I can be a mother figure in her life. You said Jaeson and Ji-eun look like twins right? Let it be that way. She is my daughter too" 

She said making my respect for her grow even more. How did I even think of her as a villain? 

She is like a mirror. Giving you back what she gets from you. When I ignored her, she ignored me. When I tried to betray her by acting friendly, she reversed the plan on me. When I showed her attitude, she made sure to give them back to me. Finally, when I realised my mistake and talked to her like a human being, she started treating me like one. She is a mirror that gives you only what she gets.


Since that day, it's been a silent understanding between Eun-mi and me that we take the parental role of our children. 

Days and years passed and our kids are now 5 years old. I have been taking care of Jeon's and Min's kingdom for now until Jaeson is ready to rule them. Father has been taking care of the Kim's. 

Now that my father wants to retire and pass down the throne to me, he wants me to get married before crowning me. I don't know how I will go and ask Eun-mi to marry me again. She accepted to be Ji-eun's mother but that doesn't mean that she wants to be my wife. Yet I gathered some courage and asked her hand in marriage but she straight away rejected my proposal. 

Well, what did I even expect? I should be glad that she accepted Ji-eun in her life. I don't know what I am going to do about the queen. People around the kingdom already decided that it's gonna be Eun-mi who gets to be the queen of the three kingdoms. And I also want her to be the queen but what can I even do when she isn't willing to?


Do you think Len-ah got her karma?
Will Len-ah stop with this or will continue with her plots?
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Story is almost to the end.

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