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Eun-mi's pov:

I was in my chamber when I heard Ji-eun crying for help. I instantly got out to see where Ji-eun was. That's when I saw the king, Taehyung and few others gathering around the building where Len-ah held Ji-eun captive. 

Len-ah was behaving like a psycho while others were scared for Ji-eun's safety. She was having a talk with the king. 

I decided to sneak inside the building when her concentration was fully on the king. As I went to the terrace I walked like a cat walking towards its prey without making any noise near Len-ah. 

Before anybody on the ground could see me and make Len-ah notice my presence behind her, I grabbed Ji-eun from her hand and moved back. Len-ah did not expect me there. I could see the visible rage in her eyes. She once again marched towards me to grab Ji-eun from me. 

But some guard downstairs tried shooting Len-ah with an arrow. She noticed the approaching arrow and stepped back not realizing that she was at the end of the terrace. She tripped over the half wall and fell to the ground.


It took some time for me to calm Ji-eun down. My poor baby was scared by the incident that happened. I took Ji-eun to my chamber, assuring Taehyung that I will take care of her. 

I made Ji-eun lay in my lap and started singing the song Jungkook's mother used to sing for me. It helped me every time to fall asleep. And Ji-eun slowly drifted to sleep as well. 

After some time Taehyung entered my chamber. He came near Ji-eun and kissed her forehead. 

He then looked at me and said, "I got really scared. I can't imagine what could have happened if you weren't there" 

I pretended to think for some time and said, "You would have married Len-ah"

His eyes got wider at my words and later he shook his head saying, "please don't even take her name. I can't think straight". 

That's when I remembered about Len-ah. She fell from quite high, so I was afraid if she made it alive or not.

"What happened to Len-ah? Is she ok?", I asked Taehyung.

"Are you really concerned about her now?" He asked me with an unbelievable expression.

"Come on, it's life too. What happened to her?", I asked him again.

I don't know why.  But I did not want her to be dead. 

"I don't know. She was alive. So father asked a guard to take her to the physician. They said she seemed fine but kind of went into a coma. Might get her consciousness soon or later. Only God knows when", Taehyung said in a not so interested tone. He was totally fed up with Len-ah's behaviour towards Ji-eun. He loves Ji-eun more than anything. So I can understand him.

"Enough of her. Is Ji-eun ok? Was she scared?"Taehyung asked me with concern evident in his eyes. 

"Yes. She was really scared. But she'll be ok soon. She is my daughter after all", I tried easing the atmosphere.

Ji-eun started having nightmares of that incident with Len-ah. It took her some days to get back to her normal self. My poor little baby had gone through a lot.


A month after that incident, a guard came and told Taehyung that Len-ah got her consciousness back and the physician asked Taehyung to come and visit her. 

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