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Taehyung's pov:

Being the only heir of Kim's Kingdom, my father had always made sure I was safe. And that safety comes with strict restrictions. I was not allowed to leave the Palace nor have friends. I envied the others who get to have friends and go out to explore the kingdom.

When all the other children were playing, I was trained to fight. I couldn't take the stress anymore and requested my father to send me out of the palace for hunting. Since it is another form of training to improve my skills and eyesight (hand and eye coordination). And also I can have fresh air. But he denied my request saying it's not safe for me to leave the palace. 

With so much begging I convinced my father to send me hunting to the forest every weekend. It was not easy though. He asked me to fight a few of his men to check my sword-fighting skills. Being a teenager and fighting against well-grown men was too much to handle. Yet I had a decent fight. And my father agreed to my request.

Once I started hunting, I felt like archery was my thing. I started involving myself in Archery practice more. But my father did not like it. 

A king should know to hold his Sword and lead his men not just hold his bow and arrow and stay behind, Taehyung. That's what my father said. He even made me almost kill one of his men using a sword to get the feel of seeing someone's life leaving their body so close.

He said one will never get that feeling in archery, shooting the target yards away.

He was always ruthless. He never showed much emotion. He wants me to be just like him. but I am not him. And I don't want to live my life like him.

I don't know anything about my mother. Few said she died while giving birth to me and few said she ran away from the palace being fed up with my father's behaviour. But everyone agreed on one thing that she was an extreme beauty.
And I have most of my aspects from her. I always wondered how she looked.

Also, I used to think about what they even call extreme beauty. That's until I met her. Now I know what extreme beauty is. It's Eun-mi.

She came to our Kingdom from Jeon's Kingdom. I always thought Mr and Mrs Lee had no children. But now I am happy that they have one. She was a quiet kid. I never saw her getting involved with any of the royal kids. I thought she was an introvert and didn't like to talk much until I saw her all smiling and chatting with the commoners while on my way to hunt. I couldn't take my eyes off her. I can't even get enough of her. I blamed my horse for crossing her so fast that day.

I always used to peek at her when she didn't notice me around the Palace. I also hear that people around the kingdom are betting about me falling for her and she would get to be the future queen. Well, I don't mind falling for her. I will gladly do that.


One usual day, when I went hunting around the forest, I heard someone crying. I followed the sound and found a girl of my age or a few years younger sitting on a log with a torn dress and crying her eyes out. 

I went near her to help her but she got startled by my presence and turned towards me like a scared Kitty. I tried my best to calm her down and asked her about the reason for her current state. She hesitated at first but eventually opened up and said that her so-called best friend didn't like seeing her dressed up like a royal when she was a commoner. Her friend was a spoiled brat who didn't want anyone but her to look beautiful.

Her friend also dared to tear the dress which was gifted by this scared kitten's late grandma. she started to sob like a kid saying that.

I pitied her upon seeing her like that. I was never around the people who show their emotions. This was new to me. 

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