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Eun-mi's pov:

As the declaration of the king had ended with unexpected turns of events, Taehyung left the palace immediately once the king dispersed everyone gathered on the ground. 

Len-ah spared no glance at Taehyung and went to her chamber. 

I went to my chamber to pick a few of my stuff before leaving the palace. I didn't even turn back to look at the Palace one last time. I never felt at home here and I know I wouldn't miss this place at all. 

I don't even want to be in Kim's kingdom anymore. When my mother visited me saying she would disown me if I failed to become the next queen, I have been thinking of a place I could go to after taking my revenge. 

I can only think of Jeon's kingdom, where I spent 10 years of my life with my grandmother. 

I loved it there. The only good thing that my parents did for me was giving me to my grandmother. She was a lovely person and she showered me with her love. 

And when my mother came back after 10 years to get me from Jeon's, I thought they missed me until I came to know the reason was just that people badmouthed her about sacrificing me for wealth.

I thought they would have realised their mistakes by now and are going to treat me well. But I was wrong. They never showed any sort of affection towards me and I was a burden to them. Every day I wished to return to my grandmother at Jeon's kingdom and live as a commoner rather than staying with my parents at Kim's kingdom as a royal.

As I said earlier, My mother was from Jeon's kingdom. She grew up with my grandmother as a commoner. My father who was from Kim's kingdom visited Jeon's kingdom for some business and saw my mother there and fell in love with her.

So they got married and were very much in love until I was born. My father wanted a male child, but since my mom gave birth to a female child he started to degrade my mother and have affairs. 

So my mother blamed me for his change of love towards her. I don't know how one's love towards others changes if one can't meet up to their expectations. Well, I don't even know what love is. How can I understand their justification?

When I returned from Jeon's kingdom, I couldn't get comfortable around the royal kids here. They all seem to be rude and judgemental. So I never spent my time with them.

As days passed I couldn't stay at home with my mother's burning gaze upon me. So one day I decided to stroll around the kingdom and that's when I saw the kids of the commoners playing on the street.

I went and joined them and they welcomed me without any issues. One among them was Len-ah. I find her staring at me quite often and look away when I catch her. And I use to shrug her behaviour off.

As days went by she approached me and started to spend most of her time with me. She was very much invested in my life. I started to open up to her and told her about everything I have been going through at home. 

I was very much used to sharing my daily life with my grandmother and I missed her terribly. Now that I got Len-ah, I thought I can rely on someone at Kim's who really cares for me.

Did marrying Taehyung change her love towards me? but she knows I didn't have any choice in that so-called marriage, so why did her behaviour change? I wish to get my answers one day. 

Anyway, the only memory I created in this Kim's kingdom is with Len-ah and now I don't even want to think about her. So with no regrets and no turning back, I am leaving this place.

But I wonder what happened to my grandmother. It's been 7 years since I left her alone in Jeon's kingdom. My mother would never talk about her. Well, she doesn't talk about anything with me except chastising me for being the reason for her misery. 

DON'T I DESERVE TO BE LOVED ✔Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя