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Eun-mi's pov:

As I and Jungkook got near the entrance door of the palace hand in hand, I saw an excited lady around in her 40s with all smiles on her face.

Once she spotted us, she literally came running towards us.

"Finally I get to meet the girl who wrapped my son around her finger... You are really beautiful", She said, hugging me.

What!? her son!. So she is Jungkook's mother. I looked at him baffled and he gave me an assuring smile.

I was still engulfed in his mother's hand and thus he chuckled and told his mom, "Mom, let her breathe. You have all your time to get to know her. She isn't going anywhere"

"Oh, come on. You don't know how much I wondered about her all these years. And I finally, get to see her. She is really pretty", She said holding my face in her hands and tears in her eyes.

Why is she crying? What is happening here?

"Mom... stop scaring her," he said to his
Mom then turned towards me and said, "Eun-mi, She is just an emotional person. Don't mind her"

I guess his mother got offended by his words, "Nice way to introduce your mother, son", she said to Jungkook with a frown.

I guess he realized it too, he scratched his nape and apologised, "Sorry mom"

She just gave him a mischievous smile and said, "Thať's ok. I know how to get back at you" With that she turned towards me and whispered, "I will tell you all the embarrassing story of Jungkook later"

I couldn't help but smile. I can't believe these two are really mother and son. They behave like siblings.

"Mom, you can't do that", Jungkook whined stomping his legs. He looked like a big baby with all the muscles. I started giggling without me knowing looking at his childish behaviour.

"Aww, look how beautiful she is when she smiles", His mom said, which took me back to my senses. I gave her an embarrassing smile. But she still looked at me like she adores me. But why!?..

"Mom she needs rest", Jungkook interrupted our contest of admiring each other. She once again came near me with a gentle smile and held my hand.

"Ok. I know it's all sudden and new to you. Let's get to know each other later. Even though I know about you quite a lot", She said with a wink. I smiled at her and nodded my head. She then gestured to Jungkook to take me to my room.

On entering the room I heard jungkook saying behind me, "Sorry that my mother is a little weird"

I turned towards him and said with a smirk, "Look who is saying that. The master of weirdness", He gave me a hearty chuckle and said, "now you know where I got my weirdness"

I smiled and nodded at him. "She is actually lovely", I told him what I feel about her.

"That she is", He accepted proudly. I smiled at him and asked him a million-dollar question, "So you are really a king"

He chuckled once again and said, "How do you think I came to the Kims party if I don't belong to the royals"

Now I really look like what he used to call me, yeah an idiot. But still, I couldn't put everything together, so I once again wondered, "But you used to dress Iike..."

He stopped me midway before I could complete the sentence and pushed me gently towards another door that was inside the room. I guess it's the bathroom, "Baby shh,...Go and take a bath first. After dinner, I will tell you everything"

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