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Mrs.Lee (Eun-mi's mother) pov:

I never thought my life would turn out like this. I lived a normal life in Jeons with my mother until I met Mr.Lee Chang. He was from Kim's. He said he fell in love at first sight with me. He did all it takes to make me fall in love with him.

Initially, I was afraid of falling in love with a royal from another kingdom. But he assured me, he loves me beyond any boundaries and I believed him. 

We dated for almost a year. He used to visit me now and then in Jeon's whenever he came for some business there. One day he proposed to me to marry and I gladly accepted it. 

He took me to Kim's after our marriage. I used to get a few angry stares from other women at any parties or gatherings I generally attended. I ignored them by telling myself that they are jealous that I got the finest man as my husband. That was true though, they were really jealous of me since Lee Chang married me and only bedded them once or twice. I came to know what kind of guy he was in Kim's before marrying me.

He jumped from one woman to another before the marriage, they said. When I confronted Mr. Lee about it, he accepted that he used to be like that. But changed himself after falling in love with me. I still believed him. 

Well, he proved to me that he has changed. He showered me with love and I was on cloud nine living a joyous life.

After a few months of our marriage, I got pregnant and we were so happy about it.  He took care of me for my entire pregnancy. He was a great husband. 

But everything changed after my baby was born. I was so happy to look at my baby, but he gave a look of disappointment and left without even sparing a glance at our child. 

It was like that for a few days. He never carried our child. When I asked him about it, he told me how he was disappointed that it was a girl but he wanted a boy child. It was not a big deal. But he made a big fuss about it. 

He started spending time outside at night more and came back really late with the reeking smell of alcohol and perfume. It was obvious that he started seeing other women. When I confronted him, he said I was disappointed that I couldn't give him what he wanted. It's not like I can't get pregnant again. I can give him another child and it could be a boy.  But he doesn't want to try anything with me anymore. 

Even though he blames it on the gender of the baby, I know he was all along waiting for a reason to get back to his usual playboy life. I know he was frustrated when he couldn't be more intimate with me during my pregnancy. How he used to look at other women with lust who had a great physique. He lost his interest in me because my body is completely changed now. He just used our baby as a reason. 

Even though my sane part knew all this, I couldn't get over the pain he left in my heart. Now at the parties, I get nasty smirks from other women. They were mocking me by telling me that I was nothing special even though he married me. 

I am quite the same as Lee Chang. I wanted to blame someone for my misery and stupidly did it on my own child. If only the baby was a boy, would he still be searching for a reason to leave me? That's what I thought whenever I looked at Eun-mi. 

I know it was stupid of me. But I couldn't help myself after losing the love once I had. I showed all my hate and pent up frustration towards her. 

When we went to Jeon's for dinner I was jealous of my own daughter. 

The way Jungkook took care of her made me remember the time how Lee Chang used to treat me before everything fell apart. 

I was still in denial to accept the fact that the change in Lee Chang was not my or Eun-mi's fault. So I lashed out at Eun-mi like usual. 

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