
Start from the beginning

"Gotcha!" Alison yelled as both she and Rachel laughed. 

"That was so not funny, Alison," Spencer scowled.

"I thought it was hilarious, girls," she replied, looking at her phone as she made her way over to the couch. 

"Ali, did you download the new Beyoncé?" Hanna asked. 

"Ugh, not yet," Ali sighed.

"I'm loving her new video," Emily added.

"Maybe a little too much, Em," she suggested.

Rachel grabbed her drink that had somehow made it's way over to Alison and took yet another gulp. If school was going to be starting in a few days, she needed to get wasted. 

"Careful, Rachel. Drink too much and you'll tell us all your secrets," Spencer joked.

Rachel rolled her eyes, knowing she could handle alcohol better than anyone else in the room. There was a chance that she maybe had a drinking problem, but she was too proud to admit that. She just viewed herself as carefree and rebellious, not an alcoholic. 

"Friends share secrets. That's what keeps us close," Alison said before looking at the brunette. "Drink up."

Rachel giggled and took another sip from the red cup.


At around 1:30, Rachel woke up to find Alison gone and the other girls asleep. She wondered why they'd all fell asleep so early, especially since she didn't even remember being tired. Remembering what she had told Jason earlier that night, she quietly stood up and left the barn to head over to the DiLaurentis house - which was next to the Hastings house. 

Rachel went upstairs to Jason's bedroom and walked in, not bothering to knock. He was splayed out on the bed with empty beer bottles and a joint hanging loosely from his fingers. 

"Hey." Jason sat up slightly as the girl climbed onto his bed, kissing him. 

One of Rachel's biggest secrets at the moment was that she had been hooking up with Alison's older brother, Jason, for months now. Since he was Alison's older brother, Rachel was aware that the blonde girl would probably kill her, since she'd made it clear before that her brother was off limits, and it's technically illegal because of their ages. Rachel was someone who was only interested in guys for sex. She'd slept with almost every teenage boy, along with some older boys, but has never had an actual relationship, since she'd always bail before things could get serious. So Rachel and Jason would hook up pretty much any chance they got, but kept it casual. Rachel still slept with plenty of other guys and Jason had a girlfriend. 

When pulling away from him, Rachel grabbed the joint from his hand and took a long drag. Lord knew she needed it. 

The brunette scrunched up her face. "This stuff sucks." She felt absolutely nothing. 

Drugs and alcohol was her escapism. Everyone thinks that Rachel Taylor has this perfect life because she comes from a billionaire family, but her life is nowhere near perfect. Her parents and younger sister live in New York City while she lives in Pennsylvania. Sure, she spend holidays with them, and it was her choice to stay with her friends in the first place, but it still blows not to be with her actual family. Rachel thinks it's partly the reason how she ended up this way. All she does is party, hook up with a different guy everyday and get intoxicated. Sometimes she thinks that it will get her parents attention and they'll be more involved in her life. But it's never worked. She doesn't love the slutty and scandalous reputation she's developed in Rosewood over the years, but she decided to embrace it. So why not get high all the time and sleep with older guys who also happen to be her best friend's older brother? 

𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐥𝐢𝐚𝐫'𝐬 𝐝𝐢𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬 ⎯ pretty little liarsWhere stories live. Discover now