Start from the beginning

"Do you think I'll look like the pink panther?"

"What's that?" Narcissa questioned, her eyebrows knitting together. "Is it a species of panther?"

"Not really." Callisto answered skeptically. "It's a cartoon."

"Oh, I've heard about those!" The girl said excitedly. "That mouse thingy with the animal friends and that other girl that's dressed like a cute prostitute! I really like that one."

"Betty Boop?" Callisto questioned, receiving an approving nod. Despite her pure blooded heritage, Callisto was familiar with muggle culture and technology, mostly because of her aversion to the ideas and values projected in Durmstrang that basically revolved around the belief that everything related to muggles was tainted. It started from small things, such as using a pen instead of a quill or listening to muggle music and slowly progressed into getting the hang of muggle devices and debating with the pureblooded pricks about their outdated value system.

The timer was set off and Callisto headed in the bathroom to get off the dye. Narcissa could hear the water running as she cleaned the substance that got spilled on the floor and the table while they were applying it to the witch' hair. That was when she heard a knock on the door. Without bothering to ask who it was, she opened the door, coming face to face with Sirius and Remus.

"Dumb and dumber." She sneered, crossing her arms under her chest. Sirius rolled his eyes at the comment, a snarky comment at the tip of his tongue when Remus stepped on his foot, shooting him a warning look. "Kindly fuck off."

"No, we're looking for Callisto." Remus answered, not giving Sirius the chance to speak. "Is she inside?"

"No, she's gone on a thestral hunt with Dumbledore." She responded, growing more and more amused by her cousin's annoyance.

"It's urgent, Cissy." Sirius sternly said, peering inside the room. Narcissa's eyes narrowed at the use of the nickname in such a mocking way, but she stepped aside, letting them inside the room. If she was being honest, she didn't really comprehend why Callisto was hanging out with the Gryffindors, but she had chosen to ignore that faulty judgement of character for both their sakes. However, that didn't mean that she was going to tolerate any of them, and so she stormed out of the dorm, closing the door shut behind her.

Remus slightly jumped at the loud sound of the door closing and walked around the room, looking at the neat stack of books by her bedside while Sirius plopped on the bed. Remus could clearly hear the water running in the bathroom, combined with a low melodic humming that awfully resembled a muggle song he had been hearing on the radio over the summer. He opened the book sitting on the top of the stack, his eyes immediately falling on the small notes added in red or black ink.

"She's going to cut off your hand if she sees you touching her books." Sirius mused, not listening to his own words as he took a second book and skimmed through it. "Of course she's reading about blood-curses."

"It's an interesting topic." Remus admitted, as he turned the page on his own book. Among the different potions recipes and Callisto's notes, he could see little corrections to the already existing recipes, from small additions to whole rewritten versions. From time to time, there was the occasional doodle in pencil, contrasting against the neat writing. His fingers trailed over the little drawing of a bear at the edge of the page, when the door burst open and Callisto came out with her hair wrapped around a dark green towel.

"Ew... Males in my room." Her nose scrunched up, her eyes immediately falling on the books in both their hands. "Black, stop touching my book. It's not like you can read."

"I find this very offensive, Blondie." Sirius retorted, closing the book shut and leaving it next to him. Callisto flipped him off with her middle finger and took the towel out of her hair, placing it on the chair.

𝐆𝐀𝐌𝐄 𝐎𝐅 𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐒 [𝐑. 𝐋𝐮𝐩𝐢𝐧]Where stories live. Discover now