"Yes, because this OLD medic is very capable of holding his ground ALONE! I see NO flaws in your statement, Optimus." He snapped, glaring at the bronze four keys. "Now, let's see what's so grand about you..."


Location: Decepticon's base; The Nemesis.

"I say we grab Shadowgylde and get the hell out of here. This place gives me the creeps." Arcee suggested, leaning closely against the wall. "Comm if y'all got a problem or if you find Shadow first."

"Be careful, I believe the other realm Decepticons are here too." Optimus said, activating his faceguard up.

The team nodded and dispersed in three groups; Optimus with Ioa, Bulkhead and Smokescreen and Arcee along with Bee.

"Autobots, roll out."

And off they went, racing against time as they scoured the ship for their teammate.

Optimus and Ioa stayed close, both narrowly getting caught a few times due to the Prime's size. Lucky for the mech, Ioa's invisibility helped him covered up his mistakes.

"You're getting rusty in this, big guy." Lightblade whispered.

Optimus glanced at his sparkmate, ghost of smile playing on his dermas as he replied with an equal tone. "I'm getting rusty in everything; including loving you..."


"No. It was my fault. I should have tried to understand you better, little one." he sighed, casting the femme medic a longing look. "I've missed you, sweetspark."

"Damn it, we're in the middle of a mission!" Lightblade blushed, swatting her translucent servos across his chassis. "Y-You're distracting me!" she stuttered, not looking at her lover's faceplate.

"Trust me, you're applying as much effect as I do." Optimus coolly replied, peeking out from behind the wall before running to the other side, Ioa catching up closely.

"You know I could never really hate you, right?"


"Optimus..." Ioa trailed off, staring at the Prime's silent feature. "W-Were you afraid that I was going to... leave you?" she asked, voice gradually dying down.

The red and blue mech didn't reply, merely observing his surrounding before sneaking into an unknown room.

"H-Hey!" Lightblade whispered-yelled, chasing after the stubborn mech. She stopped abruptly, phasing through the Prime's chassis. Optimus felt a wave of energy passed through him and he look down, gazing upon his tiny sparkmate with adoration and self-blame.

"When Shadow didn't let me talk to you, I was worried...that I'll never be able to pass my apology." He admitted, trying to cup Lightblade's face. The femme leaned in, putting her servo on top of his large ones.

"I thought I was going to lose you...forever." He sighed, pinching an imaginary nose bridge. "I was frustrated, angry and lost all at once. I thought I was much more level-helmed then this. Apparently, this statement is not very true." He continued, winking at the white and gold femme.

"Like I've said before, you have no idea how much you're affecting me, sweetspark." He gave her a brief smile before leaning in, pecking her dermas.

"Glad to know that I've got a femme that sticks around with a stubborn mech like me." He chuckled, trying to send some loving emotions through the bonds. Ioa felt a rush on endearment and sighed, relishing in the tranquil feeling.

"You're so cheesy." She teased, snickering at the flustered mech.

"Only you can make me bend to your will." He replied, raising an optic ridge.




"I'm going to puke." AU Ioa deadpanned, optic twitching with disgust as she watched the duo's interaction. "A-Are you guys for r-real!? Like of all places, here? REALLY!?" she said, waving her servos dramatically. "Fragging hell, I need a bin, this is disgusting!"

"Lightblade!" The pair chorused in alarm.

"Shit! You're doing the couple thingy again!" AU Ioa shuddered, shutting her optics as she tried to fight the urge to purge her tanks. "Oh my Primus..."

"N-Now you understand my feelings when I'm not active, L-Light...?" Shadowglyde coughed out, weakly waving at her original host. "Hey there, didn't think you've gotten my message..." she spat out some Energon, colouring the dimly-lit room in a vibrant shade of blue.

"Shadow!" Ioa cried out, flying towards her alter ego.

Unfortunately, AU Lightblade stood in front of her way, blocking the path between the femme and her almost dying body.

"Not so fast, sweety~" *Ioa slyly said, aiming her spear at Light's face. Normal realm Ioa growled and phased past the femme, diving into her battered frame. Ioa's body jumped up before crashing down hard, laying motionlessly still on the cold hard ground.

"Ioa!" Optimus cried out.

"Welp, looks like she's dead." AU Ioa cackled, cracking her knuckles as she turned to face the Prime. "Time to paint these walls with YOUR blood now, Optimus!" The weapon specialist grinned evilly and charged at him; spear ready in her servos.

"DIE!" She roared, inches away from stabbing Optimus's face when a bright indigo blast sent the femme flying away and collided with the wall hard. Sizzling noise appeared as the dust cleared out to reveal Ioa alive and well.

Or at least, still fairly alive.

She's still quite battered up.

"Go to hell." Shadowglyde growled, shooting another blast at the unconscious femme with her Ion cannon. The maniac femme's helm dropped to the ground, hitting the floor with a thud.

"And stay broken." Shadowglyde clicked her glossa, glaring coldly at her evil counterpart.

Finally allowing the original host to take over, Lightblade's dermas quivered just a little as she remembered about the innocent alter ego of that shattered femme.

"I-I'm sorry..." she bowed, paying her last respect for her alternate self. "I wish it didn't have to go down this way...I'm sorry I couldn't save you, Shadow..." she sighed, turning away and joined with her sparkmate.

"May their spark be at peace. Let there be no more pain for them..." he said, dipping his helm at the broken body of AU Lightblade.

It wasn't the choice they wanted, but the two was having no luxury of choosing their fate today. 


YEAH, I'M SORRY...IOA IS DEAD (The other realm , not the original one) T^T

Oh and yeah, OP and Ioa finally reconciled after such LONG CHAPTER SDSGNLGKNDFG-

S-So um... I guess we're getting close to the ending? OWO IDK but I'm pretty hyped about it, stay tune ~ 


As always, thank you for reading, commenting and voting! Take care and stay safe! Enigma signing out! <3

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