"Now relax and finish this food quickly. Have you eaten anything properly since morning? I know you haven't. What is this Jiji? You should be more careful. If bhrata Arjun comes to know, he will say ---" Drisana couldn't complete her words as she noticed what she was going to say. Draupadi had also quietened and sported sadness with glistening eyes.

"He won't come to know Drisana. Because he's not here." Draupadi said in a small voice.

"Why are you saying like that Jiji? He has not gone after taking sannyas. He will come back soon. And besides, taking sannyas is not his cup of tea. He is too attached to nuts for that." Drisana said the last part making faces and Draupadi laughed looking at her. She wasn't so wrong. Arjun had taken one pouch of nuts with him while leaving Indraprasth stating there was no such a rule that he couldn't eat nuts at the time of penance.

"Now finish this food and after that we will go to fetch bhabhishree."

Draupadi gasped in horror looking at Shikhandini. Shikhandini on the other hand, smiled amusingly at her. Drisana was looking between the sisters to understand what reaction she should give.

"You're not ready yet Jiji?!!!!" Draupadi exclaimed.

"I'm ready Draupadi." Shikhandini replied calmly.

"No Jiji! You're not. You can't go out like this. Even I'm wearing more jewelleries than you!" Draupadi said in disdain.

"So what? I am ready like this only." Shikhandini replied.

"What are you saying!!!" Draupadi asked looking at her again from head to toe.

Shikhandini had gotten ready in a simple orange coloured saree, light jewelleries, a simple bindi, kajal on eyes, flowers on hair and lips tinted in red. She wasn't used to wearing heavy jewelleries or clothes. Those made her uncomfortable and so she preferred this. And besides, she knew Dridhaksh liked simplicity more. He had never wanted to see her decked in gold ornaments and heavy clothes. He liked her open hair and bare face. He was a man who favoured the bare beauty of nature more than the opulence of palaces.

"Draupadi, I'm comfortable and happy in this attire only. Then what is the need for anything else?"

"But Jiji what will others think? You're the princess of Panchal and how can you get married in such simple attire? What will your in-laws think?" Draupadi asked frowning and then as Shikhandini glanced at Drisana, she turned her eyes to her too.

"I have no objection. And I think bhrata Dridhaksh also won't have any problem. As for other family members, they won't bother with these things. You've already impressed them with your personality." Drisana said smiling at both. But Draupadi still looked reluctant.
"Jiji, Rajkumari Shikhandini, in this simple attire is looking far more gorgeous. Her beauty lies in her natural look only. And it's her wedding. She should be free to choose how she wants it to be, right?"

"Okay." Draupadi said nodding. "But this pink peonies ---" Draupadi was going to say to change them in white or red coloured flowers, but stopped as Drisana held her hand.

"Isn't it looking good?" Shikhandini asked hesitantly.

"It's looking very nice, Jiji." Draupadi said smiling at her and Shikhandini returned it with her own.

Draupadi and Drisana took a slightly smiling and blushing Shikhandini to the Mandap. The bride's simple attire seemed to surprise everyone. But their opinions didn't matter when the two families were unbothered, though surprised too. Maharaj Drupad frowned a little at first, but then smiled nonetheless. And Rajkumar Dridhaksh? His mouth gaped open a little. He thought Shikhandini's face wouldn't be even visible through her ornaments like other royal brides. But she seemed so beautiful and innocent that he missed a few heartbeats.

Journey through the Grand Canyon (Drisana's Mahabharat #2)Where stories live. Discover now