forever in my arms

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You carefully dust the bell at JiU's front desk.

Has this thing ever been dusted? It looks older than I am.

You adjust a couple more things on her desk before clapping happily.

Yay! Now it's all organized for JiU. I hope she can find everything in its new place.

You grab a nearby notepad and begin writing.

Dear JiU...

You're nearly done writing when you hear footsteps in front of you.

"Can you give me a moment? I'm almost d-"

"Y/N?" The voice in front of you calls out your name.

What? How do they know my name?

You quickly look up and gasp in shock. A ragged figure is standing a few feet in front of you. Their clothes are wrinkly, plus they are covered in dirt and blood. Their hair is all over the place, and one of their shoes is completely missing from their feet.

"Do you need me to call for help?" You ask as the figure limps toward you.

"No, I just need you, Y/N. Do you remember me? I know it's been a while." Their mournful tone confuses you.

"I'm sorry, but I don't know who you are." You spare a sympathetic look for the poor person.

"Y/P/N is my name. Are you sure you don't remember me? I don't know what those heathens did to you, but you have to remember me." They angrily spit.

Isn't that the name that Gahyeon mentioned once? Maybe they have bad blood or something. Either way, I need to stay on my feet.

"I-I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to ask you to leave." You nervously say as you reach under the desk to press the emergency 'help' button.

"Y/N!" They try to grab you, but you're able to both press the button and get out of their way.

"Go away! Y-You're scaring me!" You cry out with tears threatening to fall down your face.

"I-" They pause as footsteps can be heard from down the hall.

"You heard them. Leave." Gahyeon says as she wraps her arms around you.

You immediately grab onto Gahyeon and bury your head into her.

"What the hell did you do to them?" Y/P/N's angry yelling is dampened by the fabric of Gahyeon's shirt.

"It's none of your business. Go before I make you." Gahyeon says with no emotion.

"No. I'm leaving with Y/N, whether they like it or not. They're not safe with you."

"Please don't make me go with them, Gahyeon." You plead with Gahyeon as you dare to look in her eyes.

"I won't." Gahyeon smiles sweetly at you.

"Yah, what the hell are you doing here! I thought you were-" SuA pauses as she spots you.

"SuA, can you please escort this person out? They're making Y/N feel unsafe." Gahyeon says coolly.

"That's not true! Right, Y/N?" The stranger pleads with you as they get on your knees.

"Please leave me alone. I don't know who you are, and you need help from someone who's not me." You try to respond kindly to the stranger.

"I'll take care of them, baby. Don't you worry about a thing." SuA gives you a wink as she drags the person out by their collar.

"Wait, Y/N! Please!" They scream and yell as the person is dragged out of the hotel and out of your sight.

Don't come near me or my girls again.

"I'm so sorry you had to see that, babe. I'll go grab a couple of the other girls, and we'll go get ice cream. How does that sound?"

You smile when Gahyeon mentions ice cream.

"I'll take that as a yes, then."

BEcause I like you~Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt