💜 acknowledgements, achievements, and inspirations. 💜

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First off, I want to thank each and every one of you for reading this book! This was one heck of a project to take on, and I had so much fun writing it! I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.

Next, I want to thank anyone who has ever encouraged me to write or achieve my dreams. It was my goal to finish one book this year as a fanfic writer, and I actually did it! It's such a great accomplishment for me.

Finally, I want to thank all of my irl friends for dealing with my wacky self. I probably seemed a little different while I was writing this story, but it was because I get very invested in my works!


This book was inspired by the following:

- Dreamcatcher's BEcause MV, lyrics, and storyline

- The Shining (Book and Movie)
- Doki Doki Literature Club


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