BEcause i like you (i like you)

329 16 2

You're barely able to open your eyes, thanks to the pounding headache that you've suddenly developed.

Where am I?

You quickly sit up and look around at your surroundings. The room is painted white with white flooring. There's no windows or other furniture except the bed that you're laying on. The absence of color makes the pain in your head almost unbearable.

What happened? And why does my head hurt so much?

You try to recall the events that lead up to your current situation, but you can't remember much.

I was on vacation, right? I went to this hotel with someone else, and I was going to ask them something important. I wonder what it was, or who that person is?

A red-headed figure walks into the room from a door that you didn't see before.

Is she the person I was with? She seems so familiar.

"Ah, you're up." She smiles sweetly at you.

Gahyeon! That's her name. I bet that she was the person that I was with. I wouldn't remember her if she wasn't.

"What happened to me?" You ask softly while rubbing your head.

"You had a nasty fall down a flight of stairs. I brought you here after you were released from the hospital." Gahyeon explains.

How did I manage to fall down a flight of stairs? Am I really that clumsy?

"Am I going to be okay?" You ask concerningly.

If I fell down a flight of stairs, that must be that I hurt myself pretty bad.

"Of course," Gahyeon says, "as long as you take this."

She presents a green cup to you. It has steam coming off of it, and the scent hits your nose immediately.

That's got a lot of herbs in it. They must be bigger on alternative medicine rather than traditional medicine. I'll give it a try, since I trust Gahyeon.

You grab the cup from Gahyeon, and you quickly swallow the medicine. The taste of bitter herbs covers your tongue, and you shudder in response.

That was disgusting, but if it'll help me get better, then it's worth it.

"Thank you. You should get some sleep, so you can feel better." Gahyeon grabs the cup from you after she speaks.

I feel kinda sleepy after drinking that. How does she know how this works? Does she work in medicine?

"I will." You sleepily mumble before letting your head hit the pillow again.

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