if you play with me today...

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"Y/P/N!" You give them a big hug as they grip onto you tightly.

"How long have you been here?" They whisper in your ear.

Long enough to miss you and everything about you.

"Not that long. How did you get here?" You let them go so you can stare into their eyes.

"Oh, this nice hotel worker offered to show me the way to our room. I went to get our stuff, and then I ran into her. Yoohyeon was her name, I think..." Y/P/N trails off for a moment. "Anyways, she's grabbing our luggage, and then she'll be here so we can change and go out to eat!"

On cue, your stomach growls, which causes your partner to giggle.

I guess I didn't realize how hungry I was. It must've been from all of that traveling.

"Don't worry, babe. I'm starving too!" They peck your lips before walking inside the room.

The ring!

You quickly turn around and close the door behind you. You watch as your partner approaches the nightstand.

"I already put my stuff in the nightstand." You admit shyly. "There's plenty of room in or on the dresser."

Please don't be suspicious. Please don't be suspicious. Please don't be sus-

"Oh, okay." Their cheerful voice follows them to the dresser. "The dresser will work fine."

Thank goodness. That almost went badly for me.

You're about to say something else when you hear a knock on the door again.

"I'll get it." You say before rushing to the door. "Take some time to relax. I've got this."

"Thank you!" Y/P/N smiles at you before going out to the balcony. You turn back to the door and open it.

"Good evening. I believe this is your luggage, right?" A friendly girl dressed in a white suit with blonde hair greets you.

She looks eerily similar to Handong. Maybe they're sisters or something? That wouldn't surprise me, since Gahyeon mentioned something about family.

"Yeah, that would be right." You answer after giving the cart behind the girl a once over.

I can't believe that we brought that much stuff here. It must've been a hassle to bring it all to our room. The people who work at this hotel must really like their jobs in order to be this kind to us.

"Do you mind if I come in and help you unload all of this?" She smiles after her statement, and you nod in agreement.

I don't see a problem with this. She's just being friendly, that's all.

"Just set everything on the bed." You instruct as you open the door wider.

You quickly get out of the way so she can fit the cart in the room with no troubles. After the cart makes its way into the room, you squeeze past the girl so you can close the door.

"My name's Yoohyeon, by the way." Yoohyeon casts a glance at you as you make your way back to the bed.

"My name's Y/N. It's nice to meet you." You return her greeting with your own as you start to unload the suitcases onto the bed.

Gosh, why is this so heavy? Did Y/P/N really pack this much stuff?

"I know. JiU told me when I passed the front desk." Yoohyeon huffs after she places another heavy suitcase onto the bed.

I'm pretty sure that's a breach of privacy, but what do I know?

"Do you not get a lot of guests this time of year? Is that why everyone here is focused on helping us?" You ask curiously after lifting a carry-on bag onto the bed.

"Yeah, it can get slow. Who is that person that you are with?" Yoohyeon asks softly after placing the final bag on the bed.

"Oh, they're my partner!" Your cheerful smile and energy doesn't match Yoohyeon's as her face studies yours.

"How long have you been dating?" Yoohyeon's tone is blank as she grabs onto the luggage rack.

"Long enough to ask them to marry me." You reply happily.

"Congrats." Yoohyeon gives you a smile. "It seems you've found someone that you love. If only we were all that lucky..."

Thank you! At least someone in this place is happy for me. I feel bad for her, though, because Yoohyeon seems like such a lovely girl. I'm sure that someone out there will love her like she deserves.

"Hey, I'm sure that someday, you'll make someone very happy." You reach out and give her shoulder a squeeze. You notice her mood lift at the contact.

She must really enjoy physical contact with others. I'll have to keep that in mind.

"Thank you." She mumbles shyly with a blush on her face. "I'd love for you to come visit me on my break sometime while you're here."

"Of course. Consider it a date." The words fly out of your mouth before you can think.

Why did I just say that? I haven't flirted with anyone like that in years. There's something seriously wrong with my brain. I've got to get some food in me and some sleep so I can start thinking and speaking properly.

"Really? You're amazing, Y/N." Her smile and positive energy makes it hard for you to feel bad about what you just said.

I've got to get this girl out of my room before I say something stupid again.

"No problem. Now, I've got dinner reservations, and I'd love to stay and chat, but..." You trail off, hoping she'll get the hint.

"Oh, I'll get out of your way, then. Have a lovely night!" Yoohyeon quickly evacuates your room with the cart in tow.

"You too!" You call out as you shut the door behind her.

Thank god that we're done with seeing other hotel people today. Now I can relax with my lover and recollect my thoughts.

You check the clock to see how much time you have left .

5:00 p.m. We should get going.

"Babe! It's time to go." You yell to the open balcony door.

Did they hear anything that just happened?

"Coming!" They yell back as their figure approaches the door.

Please tell me that they were too busy staring at the garden to hear anything that I said.

"Oh, did Yoohyeon already come in with the luggage?" You nod at Y/P/N's statement as they walk into the main part of the room.

"Let's get ready for a great start to a great vacation." You walk towards them and give them a passionate kiss on the lips.

God, I missed this, and I missed them.

Their lips separate from yours, and Y/P/N beams at you with a bright smile.

Do you always have to be that drop-dead gorgeous?

"Aren't you in a romantic mood? I guess I'll get changed first. I don't think that I can take the suspense anymore." They rush past you as they hastily grab their clothes.

Lovestruck, you lie down on the bed and let your mind wander.

I won't let anyone hurt you, not even myself. That's a promise that I'll always keep to you, my dear.

BEcause I like you~Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu