show me a little better, that motion

282 15 1

You hum a sweet tune as you open the glass doors to reveal the gorgeous garden in front of you.

This place is even prettier than I thought. I'd love to meet the person who designed this garden. They must be a mastermind, because the architecture of this place is immaculate.

You take a stroll around the perimeter of the garden. Carefully, you observe every flower as you encounter them.

I don't have the slightest clue to which flower is which, but they're all stunning and gorgeous in their own way.

You let your hand caress one of the flowers that caught your attention.

I'm sure that Y/P/N would love this. Something about the beauty of this flower really resembles them. Maybe I can ask the gardener what flower it is?

"Those are chrysanthemums. They're one of the prettiest flowers around." A voice from behind startles you.

I'm getting real sick of being scared by everyone that works here. Do you all have side jobs at a haunted house or what?

"Oh, that's why I was so attracted to them." You joke with the voice before turning around to face them.

A girl with a black bob stares back at you. Her formal black-and-white clothes are a striking difference to the plain-colored outfits that the other staff members wore. A name tag sticks out on her outfit, and you're not close enough to read it.

Her eyes race up and down while observing you. A nervous sensation runs through your body as she carefully walks towards you. The silence is filled with a thick tension, and you're unsure of how to break it.

Why does she make me feel this way? I feel nervous, just like when I met Y/P/N for the first time.

"It checks out. You are definitely a sight to see," she says while stopping only a foot away from you, "and I'm Siyeon. It's great to finally meet you."

Have the girls that worked here really talked about me that much? I'm flattered, but it's a bit creepy.

"I wish I could say the same about you," you confess to Siyeon, "but it's great to meet someone that I haven't heard of. It makes meeting them that more special."

"I definitely agree with that statement, especially with your looks." Siyeon winks before brushing past you.

She's such a natural flirt with the charms and all. I wish I could say that I was interested, but someone else owns my heart.

"Thank you." You gracefully accept her comment before turning back to the flowers.

"Do you mind if I show you around? There's a few more flowers that I think that you would like." Siyeon turns to you and gives you a sweet smile.

Do I have the time? I mean, I'd love to, but I want to plan that proposal at least a little ahead of time.

"I'm sorry, but-" You're cut off by Siyeon dragging you further into the garden.

I guess I have the time now. Jeez, her grip is strong! Is she trying to break the circulation in my hand?

"These flowers are my personal favorite. I'm sure you'll love them as much as I do." Siyeon says excitedly.

"We'll see." You mumble before Siyeon comes to a sudden stop.

You nearly tumble into the flowers, but Siyeon's hand on your waist stops you.

This is awkward... Why is she looking into my eyes?

"I don't need you falling for me just yet." Siyeon teases you as you slip out of her embrace.

Does she know how to talk to people without flirting? My goodness!

"Okay, so what exactly am I seeing?" You look at the flowers curiously.

There's nothing that makes these flowers any different from flowers that I've seen in my life before. What does Siyeon love about them so much?

"Those flowers are forget-me-nots. There are a few red and pink roses sprinkled in there, if you look closely." You take a step closer to the flowers, and you notice exactly what Siyeon says.

The purple and white forget-me-nots perfectly match with the roses. It's such a pretty sight. I see why Siyeon likes these so much.

"I'm trying to get Gahyeon to install a bench here, but she won't budge on the matter." A soft sadness enters Siyeon's voice, and you reach your hand over to comfort her.

"You're quite persuasive to me, so I'm sure that you'll get your way soon enough. And if it makes any difference, I believe that a bench here would be perfect. It's such a nice spot to reflect about everything that's going on in your life." You explain as you squeeze Siyeon's hand reassuringly.

"I'll make sure to tell her that." The smile reappears on Siyeon's face, and you can't help but smile along.

She's got a beautiful smile. Siyeon should use it more often.

"I've got a few more things to take care of in the garden, and I'd love for you to join me if you have the time." Siyeon's invitation is warm, but you pull your hand back from hers.

"I can't, sorry. I made plans with someone else. It's been lovely to meet you, though." You quickly pull back and begin to walk away.

"Y/N, one last thing." Siyeon calls out to you.

"What's up?" You turn around to face her.

I wonder what she wants from me. ...Please don't say another pick-up line.

"Do you know who I am? Because I feel like I've met you before." Siyeon looks at you curiously.

Huh? I mean, she does seem a bit familiar, but I'm sure that it's just a coincidence. I've met a good amount of people who look like her, and even more that act like her.

"No. You're thinking about someone else, I'm sure of it. I'm not really someone to remember, anyways." You walk away sadly with Siyeon's words lingering in your mind.

'Am I familiar to you?' Is that why everyone is so nice to me? Do they think that I'm someone that I'm not? I feel bad for them, because I'm not who they think I am.

BEcause I like you~Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt