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The next day a new adventure begins. A healthy adventure to return me to the girl I'm supposed to be. The girl I used to be. Hopefully, the girl that Clay will continue to love. He said he'll love me forever, right?

"Sweetheart you have an appointment at noon. Please do not miss it." Clay's mother's sweet voice takes over my phone speakers. Clay's still curled up on my chest passed out after days of worry and rage.

I feel anxious about this adventure I'm about to embark on. I guess that's the point of therapy though, right? Fix all the issues you have. All your anxiety ridden thoughts and fear based mentality. I won't be broken anymore, will I?

"Reminder is set. Send me all the info I need and I'll make sure I'm there." I say doubtful. I'll agree now and in the two hours of waiting I'll back out. It's who I've become. I've always been so sure of myself but not since this. Not since I've spent my life in the barrier of Clay's house.

Clay stirs as I continue to speak to his mom. In order to give the man the sleep he deserves I cut our call short. This man hasn't moved in hours and I have no idea how he can be comfortable. He is butt ass naked using my body as his bed. I can tell you right now, my sleep was miserable. But it was worth it for him to get the sleep he desperately needs.

I soothe him by playing with the hair at the base of his neck. He coos in his sleep, nuzzling his head into my chest. I let a silent giggle play in my mind as I watch his fingers curl into my skin. A giddy smile appears on his face, it's as if he's dreaming of a perfect life built for the two of us. He's safe when he's dreaming. We are safe when he's dreaming.

"Come." His word are spoken softly as he reaches his arm out in his sleep. I lock my hand in his, lacing our fingers together. He grips his hand tightly against mine like he's holding on for dear life. If he lets go he'll lose it all.

"Right here baby." I reply even though I know he's just speaking his dreams aloud. I give his hand a gentle squeeze as if to comfort myself. There is something so selfless about the way he talks in his sleep. If it were anyone else I might lose my mind. But his voice has always brought me comfort. Even in times of panic or rage I still feel like a warm blanket is wrapped tightly around me protecting me from any demons.

Another hour passes before Clay wakes up. His hand hadn't left mine the entire time. He gripped me tightly in his sleep, leaving me no way to escape. Not that I could have anyways with his entire body bounding me to the bed.

"Good morning sleepy head." I push Clay's hair back as he turns his head up to look at me. His body spins as he stretches officially unveiling the half naked body he's covered the entire night.

"Oh hello." Clay taps against my bare pussy and chuckles as he pulls both his hands up under him. His eyes focus on my lower half for a quick second before diverting his eyes to my face.

"You sounded like you were having a good dream." I say as Clay untucks his hands and rubs the sleep from his eyes. He looks so innocent as he does it. He's the farthest thing from innocent but it's fitting for the mood.

Clay nods his head as he slithers up the bed to stare easily at me. He rests his head next to mine on my pillows. He's still begging to be as close as possible. A part of him touching me every second. Even if it's just a minuscule bit of skin, it's enough to bring him the comfort he needs.

"Were we getting married?" I joke. A sleep filled chuckle escapes his throat.

"I wish." Clay yawns as he brushes my hair from my face. It's still freely flowing from him letting the messy bun fall from its tightened state. "The things I'd do to see you in a white dress." Tiredness holds heavy on his words and I can't help but love the way he sounds. I melt at his words, his tone.

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