10 | MY GIRL

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"Calm down." Clay soothes me through the phone. "It's a fan. They aren't going to murder you. They are just being friendly. I promise you, everything is okay. This isn't Nick's first rodeo."

Even with Clay's attempt to calm me I'm losing it in the middle of the store. I feel my body wanting to hyperventilate. I'm trying to stop it but I don't know how. Everything I know isn't working. My silence is a clear indicator to Clay that I'm literally going mad.

"Hey. Babe. Listen to my voice. I'm right here. It's okay. Just go grab Nick and say there's an emergency and come home."

"N—no. I—I can do this." I fight out through my deep breaths.

"Okay." Clay says comforting me before going silent.

I walk over to Nick who is alone again looking back at the cameras he was originally looking at with Clay. He looks over at my disheveled state and pulls me into his arms. "You okay?" He asks concerned.

"Yeah. Can we just get what I need and go home?" I said unenthusiastically. "I can't do this much longer."

"I promise, you're fine. She was sweet. You're not exposed or anything. Our fans are more understanding than you think. I mean I'm pretty sure you've witnessed that on the streams. Right?"

I nod my head at Nick's statement but my mood is already ruined. My almost panic attack has me drained and all I want is to be in Clay's arms, in bed.

We don't spend much longer in the store. Thankfully though, it has everything Clay's written down on the list. The cart we've had to run and grab is over flowing with items and my bank account is about ready to murder me. I praise myself for being a money saver because if I hadn't been none of this would have been possible.

"Seems we got everything right?" Nick says as the cashier scans through our items.

"I hope so." I groan as I drop my head to Nick's shoulder. "If not, Clay's doing the rest of the shopping. I can't do this again."

Nick laughs at my dramatics and wraps his arm over my shoulder. "I still don't know why you need all of this."

I quickly formulate an excuse in my head. "Just in case one of you or your friends begs me to join a stream. I want to be ready. I don't know. Clay thought it would be a good idea for me to have a set up incase I'm needed." I pause myself before I ramble on too much.

Nick just nods his head. I don't know if he believes my words but he doesn't question it. So, I can only assume he does.

I quickly pay for my things and Nick and I load our cart back up and make our journey to the car. Nick piles everything into the trunk and backseat of my car while I find my way into the driver's side. I turn on the car and plug my phone into the aux. I get a playlist ready to play while Nick makes his way back to the car and into it.

The drive home is pretty quiet. I'm still recovering from the incident with the fan and Nick's preoccupied by his phone. I can only assume it's a friend that I've probably met that's got him distracted. The sun has already set by the time I pull into the driveway and I shoo Nick off to join his friends. I can bring everything inside myself. He's done his good deed for the day.

It takes me a good hour to get everything into my room. The room that took days to clean has now been destroyed all over again. I have boxes piled to the ceiling and I can't be bothered to unbox anything. I just need the comfort of Clay's arms. I just hope he's not busy doing something I can't interrupt.

I make my way into his room and he's still in the same position that I left him in. His eyes are glued to his computer screen and I don't understand how his eyes aren't burning. I swear after a few hours it feels like mine want to fall out of my head. I guess that's what years of training your eyes does to you.

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