05 | GUILT

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I roll over on Clay's bed, putting my back towards him and pull out my phone. My body can't seem to shut off. It's going to take some time to get used to this being a normal thing. I'm going to have to find something, anything, to occupy my time. I'm going to get way too bored sitting at his place doing nothing all day, every day.

As I look at my phone for something to occupy my time I pull up discord to see who Clay is chatting to. Surprisingly, it's not George or Nick. I don't see Clay in any of the voice chats in our server so it has to be another one of his online friends. I let out a soft sigh not satisfied with my findings, moving on from searching.

"Yeah, you can go live now. All ready here." I look over my shoulder knowing I have to be quiet. Clay has always kept me separate from his two worlds. The only reason I had been introduced to George and Nick is because they were all going to live with each other at some point.

Seeing that Clay wasn't talking to Nick or George confuses me because he is combining me into both sides of his life. More of his friends know who I am. It's a scary feeling to have when I don't want to be this type of involved in the Dream side of his life.

My stomach begins to growl an hour into listening to Clay play Minecraft. I only know it's what he's doing because I've been watching over his shoulder from his bed for the last fifteen minutes.

I get up out of his bed and walk over and stand behind his chair, resting my chin on top of his head. He looks up from his screen, a smile forming on his face in the progress. He's on the MCC practice server playing battle box. When he looks away he dies instantly and I can hear a scream through his headset. I can't help but chuckle at his teammate getting upset at his death. Even though it's only practice.

Clay's fingers on his keyboard move to mute and I smile at the action. "Feel any better?"

"I do. I'm going to grab some food. You want me to make you anything?" I question as I glance at his screen as another round of battle box starts.

"Mind just grabbing me some more water?" He asks as he focuses back on Minecraft.

His finger quickly unmutes to speak to his teammates. I stand and watch the round finish out before escaping out of room as he erupts in a cheer because his team wins the round.

I walk down the hall into the kitchen and fill up Clay's glass with water swiftly returning it to his room before making myself a snack. I don't want to cook a full meal. We did have pizza only a few hours earlier. I wasn't really overly hungry.

As I dig around in the pantry for something to snack on Nick enters the kitchen. "Hey." I greet him, poking my head out of the pantry.

"Find anything good in there?"  Nick asks as he pulls open the fridge.

"Not really. You guys don't have much here." I disappear back into the pantry as I speak to Nick.

"Now you know why I eat out every day." I hear the fridge shut and I peak back out of the pantry to see what he's retrieved from the fridge.

"No, you eat out because you suck at cooking and ask Clay to cook for you. Aaaaand he refuses." I laugh a little to myself as I shut the pantry door giving up on my search for food in there.

"You aren't wrong." Nick smiles and goes to head off to his room.

"You want me to make you anything now? Clay doesn't want anything and I'm hungry." Nick turns quickly as I ask him. He's eager to give me ideas of what he wants and I welcome his ideas with open arms.

I laugh picking one I'd enjoy. "I'll bring it to you when it's done."

I dig through the cupboards and fridge for the ingredients I'll need and begin my cooking adventure. I wouldn't say I'm an amazing cook but I get the job done and that's all that matters.

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