20 | SAVED

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"Nick!" I scream as I run to his room. I don't have time to waste. I don't know how long she's going to be at Playalinda beach and I don't have time to waste. I don't even want to waste time looking up who tagged her.

"I'm coming." Nick yells running out of his room. I was thankful that I had a best friend willing to do whatever I needed him to when I needed him to.

My mom is in the car waiting. The moment she heard me scream that someone had found my girl she was in the car and ready to take control. I didn't have control. Not with the haze filling my mind.

"Dude she's going to be okay. She's always been able to handle her own. Things aren't going to change because she's had a break from taking care of herself. She is capable." Nick tries to comfort me but I'm too far gone to be comforted.

"Nick, let him be." My mom speaks for me. She knows me better than I know myself. Not better than my girl, but she definitely comes in second.

"I don't know how to help. I feel useless." Nick sighs from the back seat of my mother's car. He doesn't need to help. He just needs to be there. That's all I need is his support.

After an hour drive, an hour of panic and over thinking we have finally arrived at Playalinda beach. When my mom pulls her car to a stop I see a bunch of people, standing there. My heart sinks into the pit of my stomach.

I can't get out. I know exactly who the people are and I can't fucking do this. Not after the fight that led to all of this. If I just listened to her none of this would be a problem. She would have been safe in my arms instead.

"Nick you have to go." I say looking over my shoulder at my best friend.

Nick nods his head instantly and jumps out of the car. Thankfully, the people standing around the beach don't notice our car pull up and Nick approaching them. This is the best case scenario for what we've been handed. I should have known publicly reaching out would cause this disaster. My mind was just too fogged by the girl I love to think rationally.

I call Nick and he answers his phone as he approaches the crowd. I need to hear what's going on. It's the only way to be there without being there.

"Oh shit." I hear Nick's voice say and I go to jump out of the car but my mom grabs me before I think irrationally. "Dude he's here."

"What do you mean he's here? Where the fuck is—?"

I watch from the car as I see Nick take off past the crowd. The only thing I can think is that he's running towards the man who started all of this.

"Nick stop!" I scream into the phone. He can't act irrationally. Not with our fans around. This can't be any worse.

"Sapnap?" I hear being said a thousand times. At least it feels that way. Everything is so hazy I can't even separate things anymore. Everything seems phased together.

"Have any of you guys seen Nameless?" I hear the panic in Nick's voice as he speaks to our fans.

"Is Dream here?" I hear the heart sinking question.

"That isn't important right now. Where is Nameless?" I wish I could see what was going on. Being trapped in this car is fucking miserable.

"Nick?" I hear a female's voice I have memorized.

"Mom I have to." I reach for my door handle and step outside.

Here goes nothing.

I plant one foot in front of the other and take off towards Nick and... her. I don't think I've ever ran faster in my entire life. Everything is out what the fuck does it matter? I need her in my arms.

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