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Clay eventually comes out of his fit of laughter and gives me the massage I deserve. I drift off to sleep before he finishes. I don't wake until Patches pushes open Clay's bedroom door the next morning.

The creaking sound of his door pulls me out of my sleep. The curse of being a light sleeper. It will always have me struggling to sleep the amount of time I need to. I'm always stuck playing catch up.

Clay's draped over me. His entire body covers mine. I have no idea how I've slept with the weight of his body on me, but somehow I have.

Patches jumps up onto Clay's bed and snuggles up beside the two of us. The fur of her tail tickles at Clay's ribs as she whips her tail back and forth. I laugh to myself every time her tail connects with his bare skin and he twitches. It's a cute gesture.

"Good girl." I say almost mute, running my hand down her back which causes her to whip her tail into Clay's side again. I laugh again as he reaches up in his sleep to push her tail away. Adorable.

"Wake daddy." I encourage Patches to wake her owner. She doesn't. Instead she gets up and curls her body into my head.

I spit out and struggle to swat her hair out of my face. My quick movements have Clay shifting and moving on top of me but he never wakes. Damn heavy ass sleeper.

"You suck Patches." I groan out not knowing how to spend my time.

I don't want to wake Clay. I don't know how much longer he had been up than me so I don't want to interrupt his sleep. It's not fair if I do. I know he wouldn't wake me if our roles were reversed.

My phone is out of reach on the other side of the room, so I can't even use that for entertainment. With no other option, I close my eyes and try to drift back to sleep.

That plan doesn't work when Clay finally raises his body up off of mine. But only for a second. I huff as his body falls back down onto me.

"G' morning." Clay says, sleep hanging heavy in his voice.

"Good morning sleepy head." I run my hand through his hair as his eyes peak in my direction. I laugh at his struggle to open them. Poor boy is still so sleepy.

"Sorry, I couldn't sleep." Clay yawns as he blinks the tiredness from his eyes.

"I wonder why. I can't assume sleeping on another human is comfortable." I joke as I motion at his entire body engulfing mine.

"Oh." Clay looks between us but doesn't move. He only settles into me more, applying more of his body weight down onto my body. "No, I think this human is pretty comfortable." A lazy smile spreads across his face. I only know because his mouth is pressed against my shoulder in an attempt for a kiss. The smile only distracting him in the process.

"Of course it is." I shake my head as I try to shift below him now that I don't have the fear of waking him.

"No!" He raises his tired voice as he slips his arms below my back, wrapping me tightly in his arms. "Stay."

"Always so cuddly in the morning." I poke at Clay's sides trying to get him off but it's no use. He's like a koala attaching itself to a tree to cool off. Holding on for dear life, like if he let's go, all the comfort is gone.

"Oh shut up. It's been two weeks let me enjoy my cuddles." Clay groans.

"I can't wait to have my own space holy hell." I joke but it only pisses Clay off.

"You want your own space so bad, then leave." Clay removes himself from my body. He practically shoves me off the bed in the process.

"Claaay." I grumble. "Come on don't be a grumpy butt this morning." I reach for him but he swats me away. He replaces my touch with that of Patches'.

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