UCW High Impact #68

Start from the beginning

Yang: Should i, Blake?

Blake: I don't see why not, this shouldn't be a risk.

Yang: If she's fine then so am i!. See you in two weeks for a reminder of why you both can't beat us!.

*The segment ends with the crowd cheering for the match challenge being accepted and hopefully seeing Arcadia Business take an L*

3- We see Karuta on backstage with a mic:

Karuta: Do i really gotta do this...?

*Nobara and Ririchiyo stand out of view and while Ririchiyo nods Nobara is heard*

Nobara: You have to, after all otherwise how will people believe you stand a chance against Erza.

Karuta: *Stares into the nothing for a bit before sighing* I guess i got no other choice.
Name's Karuta and i'm the N1 Contender who'll beat Erza for the title.

Nobara: Good!. Now go on!

Karuta: *rolls her eyes* Anyways, i know what Erza is capable of, her record just shows it...however something i lack is fear and honestly, i feel like fear is a factor on why Erza is so dominant alongside her skill.
Because skill can be good and all but if you add some fear to it then you got the victory there.
Well Erza, i am not scared of how good you are in the ring nor of your track record and come Episode 72, i will beat you and i WILL become the NEW Openweight Champion!.
Because i may respect you, but i do not fear you.

*The segment ends with Karuta spacing out as she leaves and Ririchiyo being impressed as Nobara congratulates the former (Karuta) on her good speech and Karuta just shrugs off*

4- Ruby vs ???: Here we see SAO coming down to the stage and then SILICA appearing making her return to an actually positive reaction of the crowd because of how she got screwed badly back at the first Genesis.
The purposes of the match were:
-To show how Ruby was a problem for Silica since if she had put some resistance to someone better than the latter in Asuna then she'd by logic have to have an upper hand over Silica whom was nowhere near her level and look and behold she had an 80/20 lead at first.
-To show how Silica, even if nowhere near the level of Ruby, was still able to at least reduce a bit the lead that Ruby had at first but only a bit as it went down from 80/20 to 75/25 which may not be much but, once again, the circumstances of it all made it shocking that the lead got cut down.
The match concluded with Ruby winning cleanly after a Rose's Thorn (Spanish Fly) and a cover on Silica.
After the match, and a handshake between Ruby and Silica, we see how Silica just says that she wants to move on from the Gatomon/SAO situation as much as Gatomon herself but she feels like to do so, she has to have one match, just one match at Greed against her.
After that match, where she'll discharge all her anger on Gatomon for putting her on the shelf, the issue will be done and both sides will be able to leave to do their own stuff.
Finally, Silica says that Gatomon has till next week to accept the match or else bad things will happen.

*The segment ends with Silica leaving as the crowd are still cheering her for wanting to end the feud with the match at Greed and also cheering because hopefully the issue ends there*

5- We see Yumi Ishiyama bumping accidentally onto Lucy while leaving the place to go home:

Lucy: Well, well, well what do we have here?. My tool to win the Women's Championship!

*Here Aelita moves forward to shield Yumi who is just looking at the ground*

Aelita: I didn't think you'd be anything but smart and a coward considering how you've come to kick Yumi while she's down and are not expecting any consequences.
Why don't you try to talk crap to me and see what happens?.

Lucy: And why would i?. You had no part in me becoming the Women's Champion and kicking off the Humiliated No More Era unlike your buddy over there.

Aelita: I am warning you Lucy, if you don't shut up i'm gonna beat you down.

Lucy: Try to do so.

Aelita: Are you challenging me to a fight?

Lucy: I mean, weren't you about to do that if i kept pressing on the matter of Yumi being the Judas of the division?.

Aelita: Consider your challenge accepted!.

Lucy: Great!. See you then and i hope to see my favourite gullible girl there too!.

*Lucy smirks before leaving as by this point Yumi just leaves without responding to any consolation attempt from Aelita as the segment ends*

6- Alice Baskerville vs Mako with Ryuko:
The purposes of this match were:
-To show how while making slight progress on fighting like Embry...Alice was still unsuccesful on it and it came to bite her back since Mako gained a 70/30 lead because of it
-How Mako even expanded the lead to 80/20 because when Alice started to rely on her agility Mako had her beaten in speed and thus Mako managed to dodge and then strike Alice even more when she was trying to use her agility to win like with Yena
-To show how as Alice started to fight more and more like herself, like she should do but is too stubborn to not try to test Embry's way even if it backfires, and rely on her agility and strength (since Alice was pretty strong for her size and Mako wasn't exactly heavy) she managed to force the match into a back and forth state slowly but surely.
In the end, a Backflip Kick got Alice the clean victory.
After the match, we see Lucy attempting to strike Alice from behind as she is celebrating (and after making sure Mako and Ryuko weren't around and being surprised that Alice didn't bring Embry at ringside just in case) and when she does go for it, Alice ducks under the title and dropkicks Lucy before knocking her out with a Backflip Kick.

The show ends with the crowd cheering as Alice grabs the Women's Championship and raises it as Lucy slumps to the outside unconscious.

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