⌞𝘾𝙤𝙢𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙤𝙪𝙩 | 𝘼𝙣𝙜𝙨𝙩 & 𝙁𝙡𝙪𝙛𝙛⌝

272 11 2

Your POV

I've noticed that Loki has been a bit, how do I describe it, odd. He is the God of Mischief and lies so he is usually odd, this time he just seems different. It's like he wants to tell me something important but he just doesn't know how to put it into words. Whatever he needs to tell me can't be that bad, right? I walk into the kitchen to grab a bite to eat and to my surprise I see Loki talking to Thor. I didn't want to disturb them so I hide behind the corner and listen in on their conversation.

"Look, brother, she will accept you no matter what" Thor told Loki in a serious yet calming voice. "but what if she doesn't, what if she leaves me because of who I am" Loki said with tears forming in his eyes, he rarely ever cried in front of anyone so this must be weighing heavily on him. "Brother, look me in the eyes" Loki looked up and locked eyes with Thor as he continued to talk, "no matter who you are or what you have done, she will love you unconditionally till death." Thor wiped away Loki's tears and pulled him into a hug, he hated hugs from most people except for Frigga, Thor, and me.

"I promise you, she will love and accept you for being you" Thor spoking softly but confidently as he broke the hug, "Thank you brother, I never thought I would talk to you, my oaf of a brother about this stuff" he chuckled lightly. Before either of the brothers could spot me eavesdropping I slowly walk into the room and pretend that I just came down.

"Hey Lady Y/N!" Thor boomed across the room as Loki quickly wiped his tears so you wouldn't see him vulnerable. "Hi darling, how are you?" his voice somewhat breaking "I'm pretty good, how are you guys?" I ask as I kiss Loki on the cheek and sat down next to him. "I'm fantastic Lady Y/N, my brother and I were just talking" "What were you guys talking about?" Loki looks away from you trying not to show his pain, "We were just talking about how well our last mission went" Thor wasn't the best liar but I let it slide, I didn't want them I was listening to their conversation.

"Well I'm gonna exit and go watch TV, I'll see you guys later" Thor walks out but before he gives Loki a warm smile and a nod. Loki turns to you and kisses you on the forehead, "Love? Can I talk to you about something?" he asks hesitantly, almost a whisper. "Of course Lokes, What's up?" Loki tries to hide his face in your neck because he doesn't want to face you, you gently move his head so his emerald eyes meet your eyes. "Lokes whatever you want to tell me just know that I'll love you and accept you" trying to reassure him, you feel him relax as you embrace him in your arms.

You see tears forming in his eyes as he struggles to find the right words, "You promise you will accept me no matter what?" his trembling voice asks, "Of course love, I'll always accept you even if your pink with yellow spots" he let out a small chuckle and a smile started to form. "So I've known this for a while and the only one who knows is my brother, I think it's time to tell you" he takes a deep breath and begins to explain. "So darling I'm guessing you know what the LGBTQIA+ community is?" "Yeah, what about it?" I said in a confused voice, "Well... I'm a part of it, I identify as both genderfluid and bisexual" he waited in anticipation, scared of what my answer might be. "Do you accept me for who I am?" He stiffened up and started to slightly tremble.

I look at him for a minute, which seemed like centuries but I finally answer, "Lokes..." I begin to speak but I get interrupted. "I understand if you don't like me now and want to break up with me, I just wanted to tell you and-" he mumbles as he paced around the room. Before he could say anything else I got up, pulled him by the collar, and pressed my lips against his. Taken by surprise he flinches at the sudden romantic gesture but eased into the kiss, deep and passionate yet it felt warm and safe, I broke away so we could catch our breath.

"I love you so much, I accept you for who you are I would never leave you for being yourself." he relaxes completely and pulls you in for a tight hug, "Thank you so much, Darling, how did I ever find someone as sweet as you" he laughs and gives you a peck on the forehead.

"So I have two questions, one, what pronouns do you prefer and two, do u have a female form?" I say maybe a bit too excited. "Great questions my love, I use all pronouns but sometimes I prefer certain ones over others, and the answer to the second question, yes I do sometimes use my more feminine form but I rarely do because people might think it's strange" he sighed heavily.

"Can I see it?" I asked happily while giggling, "Of course my darling" they shimmered into her more feminine form. I stood there in shock and amazement, "You don't like it do you?" they said with a hint of sadness in his voice "no lokes, I'm just amazed at your beauty and how amazing you look" I told them while moving closer to embrace him.

"I love you, my God of Mischief," I said smiling.

''I love you too Princess'' Loki softly said, pushing a strand of hair behind your ear.

⌞𝙊𝙣𝙚𝙨𝙝𝙤𝙩𝙨 - 𝙇.𝙇 𝙭 𝙍𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧⌝Where stories live. Discover now