What if he were a drug addict who got in a fight? What if he's someone dangerous?!

Pushing aside all concern, she filled a glass cup and patted her dog, who was to distracted with food to care.

She placed the cup on the small round table next to the chair, watching as he grew sloppy in his attempts to bandage himself.

"Can I help?" She asked carefully, pitying the man's weak efforts, he grunted and and ignored her for several seconds as he tried to prove he was fine, but the injuries and blood loss had finally set in.

"Yeah" he croaked, she shakily wrapped his chest, watching him as the cotton coated in disinfectant pressed onto his wound. She found the method barbaric but effective.

Maybe once he's fixed up, he'll leave her without any trouble or wouldn't rob her.

She turned her lights off as the man passed out, the dog following closely as the woman locked her bedroom door and lay in bed to troubled to fall asleep.

She stayed awake for hours, until the sun rose at 6 in the morning. She warily left her room and let her dog out the backyard, returning to the main room to see the man still passed out.

Maybe she should have called the police or taken him to an emergency hospital, but she'd need to talk to him if he wants to co-operate.

She made breakfast, just toast and eggs, deciding it wouldn't be hard to make some for him. She left a plate next to his cup of water, before examining his wounds, judging by the blood, his injuries had stopped bleeding.

He looked better, though anyone can look better once the blood has been cleaned from them.

She left him once more, Hoping he'll remain unconscious, she washed her dishes in silence, freezing as she heard a grunt and some grumbling.

She could hear the clink of metal as the man ate and the thud of him putting the glass of water down. She held her breath as the floor creaked, he's standing up.

The man aware of his dirty and bloodied state wondered down the hall, sluggishly looking for a bathroom, which was easily found by a cute, flowery sign titled 'bathroom'.

He barged into the room and looked around, slowly unraveling his bandages to examine the injuries, unknown to him that the woman who's house he had barged into, was fearfully washing his dishes in an attempt to appear like not a threat.

She could hear the water running as he bathed, her uncertainty rising. Why is the stranger bathing in her house? She knew she should call the police, but the man seemed afraid of them killing him, so she didn't.

Which was a foolish decision on her part, a stranger barging into your house is a red flag after all.

Her movements stiff and slow, she felt her hands slowly getting wrinkly as she held them under the water, looking for a fork.

The man finished bathing, covered up his wounds and dried himself, leaving his bloodied shirt and pants away as he only wore his boxers.

He moved into the main room as he dried himself and redid his bandages, content, he looked for the woman he could hear clinking dishes.

The poor woman was terrified now as his feet creaked on the old floors, she slowly looked up as he entered the kitchen. She tensed and looked for any good escape routes, which there was plenty.

"You haven't called the police have you?" He asked, not trusting the strangers unwilling kindness.

"No. No, I didn't" she stated nervously, her voice quivering as she looked around.

He approached her, taking her nervousness for her lying. She pressed against the sink, her brown eyes widening in fear.

Even if the man was bandaged and nearly nude, she still worried for herself, he was a fit man under all those bruises.

"Don't you lie to me" he growled, unsure exactly what he was going to do himself. Sure the police may kill him, but this woman did save his life.

"I'm not lying! Please leave me alone!" She wailed, terrified that this would be her final moments.

Killed by a man she didn't even invite inside, a man who had barged in, eaten her food, drank her water and bloodied her couch.

She slid down into a foetal position, he stood over her, pausing, understanding her fears. The dog began barking, hearing the terror in its owners voice.

"Get off the floor." Demanded the man, the woman didn't move. He didn't know if she were a fighter or not, but he couldn't believe she was so spineless to just huddle in a ball on the floor.

"What do you want from me?" Asked the woman, looking up at him, unsure why he wasn't stealing, killing or raping her yet.

"You didn't call the police did you?" He asked, realising the woman to be to spineless to disobey last night's tired request.

"No, I didn't. Please whatever you want to do, just make it quick" she cried, feeling already weak and helpless.

"I'm sorry for scaring you. I just wanted to say thank you for helping me" he said, changing his tactic, she slowly stood up now, ashamed at her judgmental actions.

"That's all? I'm so sorry, I thought-" she tried, lost for words, her mind running blank, he understood her issue perfectly well.

"A stranger in your home isn't a safe thing. You are right to be afraid. I think I'll be right to call some 'friends' to pick me up. I'll need your phone" he explained, his tone soft and understanding, lulling her into a safer state of mind.

He stole her phone from the counter and immediately began typing in a number, the woman gaping as the man yet again didn't wait for permission.

A brief thought in her mind made her relax a bit more 'i'd hate being his wife'.

Though that would be rape and her sense of humour soured by the poor joke.

He left the room quickly as he readied a close friend to come pick him up, easily remembering the house and street he was in.

He'd need to get revenge on the people who nearly killed him. But the spineless woman was a worry, she might clean up his blood and not mention it to police, but that's to big of a risk.

"Hey, lady" he called, the woman slowly entered the main room, her brown eyes examining him carefully.

"One word to the police about this and you're dead. Unless you can give me a good reason to let you live" threatened the man, the woman gaped in horror as the man quickly left her home.

He examined the blood trail he'd left, leading to her house and people staring at his bloodied spot on the sidewalk, calling the police.

Maybe he'll be seeing the woman again, sooner then later.

The woman gaped at the blood on her couch and broke down, not knowing what she'd gotten herself into. That would be hard to clean and she can hear police sirens, she doesn't want to die, yet now is already jumping at the slightest sound.

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