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Saturday, December 4th 2020

"Guys, hurry up. We don't have much time." Yoongi groaned as he leaned against the wall, crashing noises coming from the background.

"We're sorry Yoongi! But I really need to find that Necklace!" Beomgyu apologized as he was searching through his backpack for the missing necklace.

"Bestie, please! We can literally do this later." Taehyun stated as he tried pulling the older from the waist. It didn't really work since he NEEDS that Necklace.

"I'm sorry Taehyunie- but I can't leave without my necklace!" Beomgyu whined, trying to remove Taehyun's hands away from his waist.

"Gyu, I found your necklace." Jungkook said from the shared bathroom for two.

"Yes!" Beomgyu ran over to him and snatched the necklace away from him. "Thank god it's ok."

"Love, why is that Necklace so special to you?" Taehyun asked.

"My mom gave me this really early in my life.. I think, three months old? Yeah." Beomgyu started.

"Ok, whatever. You found your necklace. Now let's go!" Yoongi then grumpily leaves the room, the other three following behind with a few giggles.


Meanwhile.. Taehyung and Jimin are talking about something.

"You know, I never really questioned why you are a Phoenix.." Taehyung said to the shorter boy.

"I'm not quite so sure myself. My mom's a Phoenix and my other mom's a Phoenix but I'm a boy?" Jimin questionably says.

"Do you think your moms' are faked your gender?!"

"Oh my god, did they?!"

"You have a dick, idiot!" Seokjin yelled from the other room.


"Are you serious right now?!" Yoongi shouted at the building in front of them. "We came all the way out here just for it to be closed?!!"

"Yoongi, calm down. We can always go somewhere else.. like that place over there." Taehyun reassured him.

Yoongi huffed and crossed his arms. "Yeah, ok. Let's go." He mumbled with an annoyed tone.

The four then walk over to the giant long building that's supposed to be a souvenir shop.

"Huh, this place must be really popular." Jungkook stated, looking around the place. Everywhere he looked, there were people.

"Yup. I found an opening, let's go." Yoongi then pulled Jungkook, who's holding Taehyun's hand, who's holding Beomgyu's hand, all the way through the crowd and to the entrance of one of the stores. Which is put together like a mall.

"Oo~ where should we go first?" Beomgyu asked the group.

"Anywhere's fine, just stick together." Yoongi stated.

"How about that place over there?" Taehyun asked. He looked over at a candy shop nearby.

"Yes!" Beomgyu and Jungkook exclaimed excitingly.

"Ok." Yoongi then dragged the four to the candy shop.

When they entered, they were met up with a short fella with a big creepy smile on his face.

"Welcome!" The said guy said. He had a giant mustache and a spectacle on his face. Seems like one of those suspicious people.

"Eh- can we go somewhere else?" Beomgyu whispered over to Yoongi. He received a no.

"Hi, we're here to look around first." Yoongi said to the man. That was what they did.

"Ok, I'm done looking around. Can we go now?" Taehyun asked. Yoongi nods and they all head out, but were stopped by a few taller men.

"Aw great, they're taller than us." Beomgyu huffed before pulling himself closer to Taehyun to 'protect' him.

"Gyu, I know you love me but no need to hug me so tightly." Taehyun groaned from the tight hug.

"I know, right?" Yoongi sighed, looking up at Jungkook who was also hugging him tightly to 'protect' him.

"I'm protecting you!" Beomgyu and Jungkook said at the same time. A groan of annoyance came from both Taehyun and Yoongi.

"Ok, I'm sorry.." Beomgyu apologized then lets go. Taehyun smiled before pulling him closer and hugging him instead.

"Good, because I'm supposed to be protecting you." Taehyun said then nuzzled his face into Beomgyu's neck. Beomgyu blushed but didn't tense up.

"..can I still protect my kitty?" Jungkook asked the other with his big doe eyes. Yoongi lightly smiled before nodding and also hugging the other back.

"Ughh, all this sappiness is making me sick!" The creepy short dude with spectacles and a giant mustache complained.

"Uhuh, why are you still here then?" Beomgyu rolled his eyes and glared at the other.

"Because! His aunt over there told me to capture you two! I don't need those two though." The guy said as he pointed at Taehyun. Two other tall guys then pushed Jungkook and Yoongi out of the way, another two hovered over the younger boys.

"Oh. No wonder." Taehyun sighed. "This was so stupid, did she really chase us all the way over to Los Angeles? On Jin's birthday?"

"We didn't even have cake yet!" Beomgyu added. Loud footsteps that sounded like high heals clicking came over the room.

"Well, well. Look who's fallen for my trick once again!" The voice we all know so well said.

"Ah, auntie. So glad to see you drop by again for another visit." Taehyun sarcastically says.

"I have no time for jokes this time. I will get my revenge today! Even if it's the last thing I do-!"

"Yup, still dumb as ever." Jungkook stated as he had literally knocked out everyone in the room, except his friends.

"Nice, let's get out of this mess." The four then leave, taking a few bags of candy. "If we still hurry, we can make it to Seokjin's birthday party. He rented a small building since the hotel they're staying at needs to be quiet.

"Yoongi, I bet we'll make it there before anyone. Well, except Jin that is." Taehyun said.

"Really? I think we'll be there before everyone, and Jin!" Beomgyu exclaimed.

"Nah people, I bet I will get there before everyone." Jungkook stated.

"Ok, everyone be quiet. Jungkook will get there first, of course. I'll be behind him. Tyun and Beom will get lost and make it there after Jin. Everyone else will get there after Beom and Tyun." Yoongi stated. "Now hurry up, we're almost there."

They all then just silently walk all the way to Jin's rented building.

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