121 7 4

Friday, November 26th 2020

Beomgyu gently places Taehyun on his bed before throwing his shoes and Taehyun's shoes over by the door. He then climbs into bed with Taehyun.

"Gyu, do you think Jinnie's ok?" Taehyun asked the other.

"I think so.. we did find out he's a vampire because of Yoongs soo.." Beomgyu whispered back.

"Vampire or not, I won't treat him any different.. other than tell him to teleport me places because I hate walking." Taehyun said.

"Hehe, same. It would also be kinda fun?" Beomgyu said, Taehyun only nods.

Everything became quiet. Taehyun sighed and leaned forward, trapping Beomgyu in his arms. He then started giving the other small kisses all over his face and neck, the other giggling.

Taehyun finished with a long kiss on the lips then pulled away. "I think that's enough, your turn!" He said excitedly.

Beomgyu giggles grew as he leaned forward to give Taehyun his kisses. Their room filled with more kisses as Taehyun decided to give in from the ticklish feeling.

But in the end, the kissing turned into a pillow fight after Beomgyu threw a pillow at Taehyun when he finished his kissing.

Now, they're lying in Taehyun's bed, panting from all the fighting. Pillows are scattered all around them, some of them also being Beomgyu's pillows. His bed was empty, even the blanket wasn't there. It was on the floor next to Taehyun's blanket.

And that whole session took 3 hours, so now it's 4pm.

Taehyun checked his phone and sighed. "Should we check on Jin?"

"Yeah, let's go." They get up and walked to the living area.

"Kookie please! Stop hugging me!" Seokjin squealed.

"No!! You need to know none of us thinks of you differentlyyy!" Jungkook exclaimed, hugging him tighter.

"Jungkookie. No." Yoongi said. Jungkook pouts at him and lets Seokjin go, walking to Yoongi after.

"What happened here?" Beomgyu questioned them.

"Jin's being an idiot and Jungkook tried cheering him up but apparently it didn't work since I see him trying to leave right now." Yoongi stated.

"Jin! We don't care if you're a vampire!" Taehyun shouted at him.

"..but Beomgyu's a human. I could hurt him."

"Yeahh~ but you didn't for the past three months?" Beomgyu said.

"What if I do hurt you one day..?"

"You won't alright? Namjoon's also human and how long have you been friends? Hm?" Beomgyu questioned him.

"..fourteen years."


"Oh.. then I guess I wouldn't hurt you guys but just what if-?"

"Fucking, shut up! You won't hurt one of us, end of discussion!" Yoongi shouted, rolling his eyes.

"....no swearing in this household." Seokjin replied.

"Oh my lord whyyy!!" Yoongi then hid his face behind Jungkook's back.

Everyone started laughing and in came Namjoon.

"Hey guys, was wondering if you found my- oh what's happening?" Namjoon questioned the four who was laughing and the one grumbling away from sight.

Seokjin composed himself and looked over to Namjoon. "You see, I told them what I am since Yoongi found out and.."

"You're a vampire, I know." Namjoon said. Seokjin opened his mouth to talk but Namjoon placed a finger on his lip to stop him. "It won't change the way I think about you."

"How did you find out..?" Seokjin asked. Everyone now had their attention towards the two.

"You're my roommate. I saw you transform while I was 'asleep'. Please be cautious next time, you'll never know who's watching." Namjoon said. Seokjin dropped his head and nodded.

"Hmm should we tell the others?" Beomgyu asked.

"For now, no. Maybe another day?" Seokjin said. Everyone just agrees with him and goes off to do things they want.

Namjoon then leaned in towards Seokjin. "Oh also, when we kiss I can feel your teeth, pointier than a human." He whispered then left to their shared room.

Seokjin blushed and just followed him inside.

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