146 7 1

Thursday, November 25th 2020

"Put those over there." Seokjin instructed, pointing towards the table in the party room. The disco lights and streamers were replaced with yellow tinted fairy lights and a few banners that had the others' names on them, all in their favorite colors.

Taehyun followed what Seokjin told him to do and placed the silverware on the table. Beomgyu followed and did the same, placing a few name tags on each spot. That way, everything's organized. All is Seokjin's idea.

The two demon chefs appeared with the food, teleporting then into the middle of the huge rectangular table that replaced the round table.

There's the turkey, Mac 'n Cheese, Mashed Potatoes with the gravy on the side, Salad bowl, cranberry sauce, bread (soobin helped with this too btw), all the veggies we hate, stuffing that they made completely wrong, and the pumpkin pie no one eats.

"Thanks you two." Seokjin said as they bowed and teleported away. "Alright, Beomgyu go call the others, here's a device to track them, Taehyun clean the kitchen, Soobin(yes he's here) help him clean, and I'll just finish up with this dinner." He instructed them and they all went to do their duties.


"Hm.. I wonder why Jinnie has a trackingn device thingy.. anyways." Beomgyu mumbled to himself as he got into the elevator.

The elevator door opened and he hopped out, looking around. On his device, it showed that two of them were on the 2nd floor.

"Guys!! Wherever you are, please go to the party room! Jinnie said to go there for the thanksgiving dinner!" He shouted, making two heads pop out.

"Gyu! Hello!" Jimin exclaimed with a smile. Taehyung, who was next to him, waved with his own smile.

"We'll be there soon, just go find the others." Taehyung said. Beomgyu nodded and went back to the elevator, looking for more of his friends. On the device, the two who were on the 2nd floor disappeared and now there was 5 people in the party room. 6 more people to go.

He soon found himself in the Library as he spotted Namjoon reading in the corner. "Joonie! Can you meet Jinnie in the party room? He set up the thanksgiving dinner."

"Alright, Beom. I'll be there in a few." Namjoon replied, not taking his eyes off his book. Beomgyu rolled his eyes and went over to a notebook. He wrote 'go to the party room' and left it next to him. He then went back to the elevator.

"Seven down, four to go."

"Jin, I'm done cleaning." Taehyun said as he peaked out the door of the kitchen.

"Yeah, we're done." Soobin said, also peaking out.

"Ok good! Come sit." Seokjin told the two and they find their names and sit. Taehyung and Jimin were already seated and Seokjin was waiting by the elevator.

"Do you think Beomie will find them all?" Taehyun questioned the older. Seokjin just shrugged and continued to watch the elevator.

As they wait a bit, Taehyun bouncing his leg from time to time, Beomgyu finally appeared with Yoongi and Jungkook by his side. Namjoon came to them a few minutes after, a book still in his hand. Yeonjun was next to him. Hoseok then came another few minutes later as he had finished his work at that time. Now they just needed to wait for Kai who appeared behind them all of a sudden.

"Ok! Now that everyone's here, we're gonna do the thanking activity we do every year, who wants to demonstrate to the younger ones?" Seokjin questioned.

Hoseok raised his hand excitedly. "Ok, ok!" he looked to his right, Namjoon. "I am thankful for your kind heart and all the times you helped me out when I was having bad days."

Namjoon smiled. "I am thankful for your cheerful self, you make me happy just by you being happy." He said. They exchanged hugs and Namjoon turned towards Seokjin who's sitting at the head of the table.

"Now do you understand?" Seokjin asked the younger ones. They all nod and Namjoon continues with the thanking, this time it's his and Seokjin's turn.

"Jin, I'm thankful for all the times you had to put up with all of our dumb selves and you take care of us. That's more but I can't think of them at the moment." Namjoon said.

"I'm thankful for your big brain. You're really smart Joonie and if only people could acknowledge it more, maybe one day you can get a job with that." Seokjin said.

They exchanged hugs and it continued on.


It went on for about another 15 minutes before it was finally Beomgyu's turn to Taehyun.

"Taehyun-ah. I'm thankful for everything you have given to me. I'm thankful for your kindness, your protective side, your love for me.. and I love you so, so much." Beomgyu whispered with a shy smile, head down but eyes looking straight into Taehyun's.

Taehyun pecked Beomgyu's cheek before continuing. "Beomie, I'm thankful for you being you at all times, nothing is better than you being happy and that's all I want from you. Your happiness is my own happiness. I love you." He ended his speech with a hug to Beomgyu, obviously having the hug being returned. They skipped Taehyun and Hoseok's thanking cause why not? Eheh-

And finally! They dig into their food which has been in metal bowls/trays so yay it's still warm!

They ended the day with more karaoke before they head to bed early. Well, it's early to me. They went to sleep at around 11pm.

Off to dreamland they all go~

Forgot to say-
But I didn't write for a
Few days cuz of
Rhythm Hive,
Run BTS,
To Do, and
Talk x Today

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